1998.5 Dodge Ram CTD - Sally


Expedition Leader
@Metcalf makes some good looking bags. I'm sure you could shoot him a PM here or follow him on Instagram @ brennanmetcalf to find out more.

Don't personally own one, but the soft shackles I ordered from him are solid.

Thank you for the mention.

I got tired of soggy gear so I started making my own gear bags. 1000D industrial waterproof TPU material with welded seams, water resistant zippers, wrap around handles, compression straps, end handles, big zipper with a garage, velcro label pad, etc.


Hi Metcalf... thanks for the input. Your bag looks very cool, but maybe a bit small for what I was wanting.. also I don't need for it to be waterproof/resistant.

I got bored last night, and tired of flipping back and forth between websites trying to decide which tool vs recovery bag to get from which brand... so I just got from two brands haha.

I liked the zip-up briefcase style of the tool bag from Blueridge Overland Gear (versus standard floppy roll-up style), but I couldn't find a mid-sized recovery gear bag from them. This is the tool storage bag I ordered...




The largest Blueridge bag I could find was 12"x12"x6", and the zipper only opened at the top. I'd prefer the zipper opened all the way so the bag could really have good access for big straps, and the Adventure Tool Company recovery bag hit the mark at 16"x9"x6", with pockets for shackles and fully-opening zipper....






Expedition Leader
Hi Metcalf... thanks for the input. Your bag looks very cool, but maybe a bit small for what I was wanting.. also I don't need for it to be waterproof/resistant.

For reference, my bag is 16" long by 8x8 in a D shape profile shape. It fits about 40lbs of stuff when built as a tool bag.

For me....I love not having to worry about the bags staying wet or damp.
You can set them down in the snow, mud, or water.
I've sat on them in the snow to keep my butt off the cold ground.
It will even haul water in an emergency if needed.
The fabric used can't absorb water.
Being able to hose them off at the car wash is fun too.


For reference, my bag is 16" long by 8x8 in a D shape profile shape. It fits about 40lbs of stuff when built as a tool bag.

For me....I love not having to worry about the bags staying wet or damp.
You can set them down in the snow, mud, or water.
I've sat on them in the snow to keep my butt off the cold ground.
It will even haul water in an emergency if needed.
The fabric used can't absorb water.
Being able to hose them off at the car wash is fun too.

Thanks for that feedback! Great info to know. If only I needed my bags to be watertight haha.


One thing I had been wanting to do since I took the fender flares off, is suck the tires into the wheel wells more. The authorities around here are starting to crack down hard on anything to do with light bars, tire poke, mud flaps, emissions and exhaust note etc... so I want to give them as little reason to want to pull me over. Plus, the steelie rims were cool but had very low backspace, so I wanted to see the difference in steering feel with higher backspace wheels.

A buddy that works at a local 4x4 shop had some extra wheels I could borrow, that brought the tires 1.25" inboard. We also took the opportunity to throw the truck on the hoist to check bolts and full droop, and then the forklift... both are things I've never done with Sally since I've had her... fun!

Full axle droop is limited by these 4/1-leaf Chevy springs, and I was showing 10" on a 13" stroke rear shocks... so still some room to droop further when I eventually get 10-leaf Deaver springs for a Chevy 2500HD application....





Bump stops also land on the pads well. I had originally just kinda guessed the lateral location and angle on the axle for the landing pads, trying to think about how the axle rolls and pivots at full bump and during articulation.


I'm going to have to notch the framerails a bit for 2.5" shock body clearance at full articulation...




And here are the cool forklift flex pics. We were also testing a worn out spare 37" tire just to see clearances (it measured 36.0" OD), so that explains the Hummer H2 rim on driver's front. We got 27" height on the driver front (so closer to 28" if there were a 35" tire on there), and 29" rear height.











I actually don't hate the new multi-spoke wheels. I was going to temporarily run them regardless, because free and higher backspacing... but the look is far better than just acceptable. I still plan on ordering AEV Salta HD's when this Corvid stuff calms down, and AEV start shipping again.

The multi-spoke wheels are 17x8", with 5.0" backspace... so 1/2" positive offset. And reminder my tires are Firestone MT's, 317/70/17, but about 50% worn.... so started at ~34.6" when new and maybe down to 34.0"... I forgot to measure their OD.

For reference/curiosity, here is the 36.0-inch "37" tire on the Hummer H2 rim, with +3/4" longer control arms and +1.75" front lift from the factory...









Another thing I've wanted to do is install rock lights... not for hard parking at the mall but for maintenance, and some night wheeling. I seem to always be out later than expected, or wrenching longer/later than anticipated, and having light under the truck just seemed too good an idea to not do.

So I opted for these white 3-LED Chinese lights off Amazon, specifically trying to find the cheapest ones with no controller, no multi-color, and no extensive wiring harness... just to keep them inexpensive.




This is with just two in the rear.. one attached to each side of the Curt receiver frame bracket, aimed at the tires....




And for maximum rear tire light, I reused one of my old cheapo 6-LED bars from SuperBrightLEDs.com.....



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Per side, I mounted one LED at each of these locations:

- under front bumper corner, aimed at front of front tire
- under front door, aimed are rear of front tire
- under B pillar, aimed down
- under rear cab corner, aimed at front of rear tire
- next to receiver frame bracket, aimed at rear of back tire

I also added a single LED at:

- under steering box stabilizer, aimed at front of front diff
- front of trans x-member, aimed at back of front diff
- back of trans skid plate, aimed at front of rear diff (6-LED bar shown in previous post)





And I plan to add the wiring for these to the Volvo VNL rocker panels I retrofitted into my dash. So temporarily I made a bracket to hold the rocker switch wiring harness that came with one of my Baja Designs lights. This is supposed to be temporary, but I feel like it'll stay there like this for a while haha....





Lights without the front 3 LED's wired up yet....


Crappy quality stills from a video, with all LED's hooked up....





So I received 2 of the 3 gear bags that I ordered, which is fun. The first one I received was from Atlas46. I was on the fence about ordering "this" particular bag to try out since the product description read a bit smaller than I was looking for (it says the Gear Carry Bag is 14"x8"x6" and I was hoping for something closer to 8" wide and 10" tall... hence why I also ordered the Adventure Tool Company recovery bag (16"x9"x6") as well too.

This particular Atlas46 bag was a heavily-discounted factory outlet bag, too inexpensive to not order... but I found it funny that on the factory outlet part of the website they called it a "Small" bag out of S/M/L bag options.... when the non-discounted regular Gear Carry Bag has no size options whatsoever. Anyways, I was expecting a cheaper, slightly-maimed but usable 14" bag.. and this shows up haha. It's still totally usable, but maybe for tire patch kit or other small stuff... certainly not for "recovery gear" AKA two straps and a handful of shackles...



On to the other bag which I had always anticipated being the real recovery gear bag... the Adventure Tool Company "Recovery Bag" (16"x9"x8"). It's rad. So rad that I want to buy more.. for uses undetermined at this time, especially considering I should be saving up $$ at this time. And the fact that they included a hand-written thank you letter for supporting small-time Made in USA product has nothing to do with it... although that made the transaction that much more satisfying!

Love how the waxed canvas bag material is rigid enough to really hold its shape if you only crack the zipper open at the top... you can stuff it with moderately heavy things without it really ballooning out and turning into a ball. I want more, immediately. I will 100% be buying more, once I find needs for additional bags.









Maybe I missed it but why the chevy springs? You've got a ton Thuren stuff, why not do a 3rd gen leaf conversion and run his long travel leaf springs?


Maybe I missed it but why the chevy springs? You've got a ton Thuren stuff, why not do a 3rd gen leaf conversion and run his long travel leaf springs?

The main reason is 3rd gen leafs are 3" wide, and would put the leaf pack center pins too wide on the axle apds. Even with the 2.5" Chevy leafs, slammed as close to the frame rails as possible, the leaf packs land a bit too wide on the axle. Also, for better availability of aftermarket Chevy 2.5" leaves versus Dodge leafs.... I don't need 15" of droop.


Made it out for a fun day trip on Saturday, in an off road area called West Harrison. Several FSR's to run down for ages, and endless little trails off the roads that end up at scenic lakeside camping spots or just lookouts. It was funny getting some interesting looks from Jeepers and Toyota-bro's that climbed up the trails on their kitted rigs on 33's and 35's.... and our stickshift diesels with wheelbase had no issues whatsoever, haha.

Unfortunately didn't take many pics.. really only had the opportunity at the few spots that we stopped at since we did so much driving.

The truck works REAL well... amazing how it just climbs at idle like a tractor when left in 4-lo 1st or 2nd gear.

I'm definitely strongly desiring 37's ASAP, for a bit more washboard comfort and ground clearance... I used the heck out of that skid plate... I'm glad it's there!







At the end of today I received the last bag I ordered, the Blue Ridge Overland Gear tool bag. Upon first glance, I thought "no way in ******* I'm going to fit all my tools into this skinny thing", but sure enough, it took it all... and keeps its shape while standing upright! No regrets on this purchase.




Going to cut the hammer handle down, and find a slightly smaller flathead pry/screw utensil....




And that pretty well rounds out the off-road-carry stuff to take with me on day trips or longer camping trips. The Stanley toolbox has a load of extras for repairs, as shown below...


Prettymuch anything I could need to bush-repair a truck to get it back to civilization. Still need to get a few other sizes of diesel+oil compatible rubber line, as well spare u-joints for front and rear shafts. On longer trips, I'll end up just having a spare front driveshaft.



More progress on keeping the truck functional, yet making it look sleepier.. and I'm really stoked with how it turned out.

When I go to 37's (in the next 2 weeks maybe?) a spare 37" tire won't fit on the spare tire holder that I've fabricated. If I modded the spare holder, the tire would then be sitting 2" above the headache rack and cab roof. Plus I was wanting to see what the truck looked like with a clean bedline, and less assuming. On top of that, my tires wear so evenly that it makes no sense to have a matching 5th rim/tire combo to rotate in.. I don't rotate in.

After randomly searching on Craigslist and FB Marketplace, I found a near-mint flush mount toolbox for a good price, that I offered even lower on and they accepted.. so couldn't not pick it up.

I'll obviously be smart and leave it empty/unlocked when parked dormant, but it feels really good to have that much more dry/lockable storage in the bed. It is 48" wide (47" actual), 18.5" tall, and 20.0" deep.

With the angled rear panel, it should just barely fit in front of the bed fender well if I slammed it all the way to one side (passenger side) of the box. I'll run it centered, and play with extra fuel/water can placement on either side. But I also have an idea of shuttling the toolbox to the passenger side, and remaking a "fridge tray" to then sandwich between the toolbox and the driver side of the bed, and power the fridge off the 5th wheel 7-pin trailer connector that the truck came with in that area.









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