OK, so I just read through this whole thread and...
No, I don't get the wet suit picture but you kids these days... :ylsmoke:
HOWEVER, this may be the coolest modification to any jeep I have seen. Really... are we worried about HP in our jeeps? I marvel at the guys who say "I was doing 80 on the highway"... this is a jeep and like has been mentioned, the best of the breed perhaps, the wwII jeep we all grew out from was light, simple and got the job done... sounds similar to this, except the simple part of getting this done in a way that works... now that it is done, I imagine it is simple...
I am nothing but envious and impressed.
As for the naysayers... well there are snobs in every subculture I know of... remarkable how it might not be the "right"... beer, wine, coffee, music, clothes, workout... thought you left that all behind in high school, but here it is again... one day I will be one of the expo cool kids who can afford to pull up stakes and take far off adventures... :bike_rider:
Until then I will be earning a living, raising my kids, putting them through college, working and hunting my land, riding my MTB and building and using my jeep the way I want and can afford. Never been a cool kid, never will I guess...
Sorry for the hijack and rant. I love what you have done here.
KUDOS to you sir, what a great bit of work that fits you and what you need.