Brake Upgrade Kit
Based on 2002 Tundra parts selected by me after reviewing number of build threads purchased through RockAuto. I selected the most heavy duty towing rated parts available through Rock. There are complete kits available. Pics have part numbers for those interested in this upgrade.
I recommend this as the most valuable upgrade a 1 Gen Taco owner should do. Have to upgrade to a 16 or preferably 17 in wheel with enough negative offset to clear the Tundra calipers.
hard lines and clips from Toyota
Not shown custom stainless steel braided lines I had custom made. These can also be ordered as a kit which in hindsight I should have done.
Front Big Brake Upgrade Kit Tacoma 1995-2004 6-Lug at Best Prices, Quick Shipping, Awesome performance. Shop LCEPerformance for Toyota Performance parts.
I bought all parts for about half the kit price but problems related to a Toyota 4WD drive specialty shop in Mesa AZ cost me about three times the kit cost. Avoid the "toy" shop.
New booster, master cylinder and rear drum cylinders also done.