2 Adults, 5 Kids, Every Country in North and South America in a Veggie Powered F250


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What a great story unfolding each day! Keep it up, keep your spirits up and keep at it!

I've seen 2 or 3 other families travelling with kids and living in vans, trucks etc while overlanding here in Morocco, and if yours are half as smart and well behaved as these kids, then they will do fine. I would love to have experiences like this when I was a kid. Dont think of it as "we are overlanding with our kids", think what tales they will tell in years to come "I remember when we saw x,y,z...." "I remember meeting a person from that tribe / area", "I remember eating some of that, yuck". And it was all with their parents.

as I belive is the appropriate way to express oneself "Awesome"!


Thanks so much! You're right about creating memories...


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Hello Everyone! Another Update, Finally!

It's been awhile! We've been hanging out in Panajachel, Guatemala, having a wonderful time, enjoying visits from friends who are meeting up with us here, and loving the culture of Guatemala. We really like this country. It's inexpensive, beautiful, has a very nice climate, and lots of great, fresh food.

Here's some of what we've been up to since I last updated here:

Belize: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The REAL Magic Kingdom: Tikal, Guatemala

Landing in the Lap of Luxury: Our New House in Panajachel, Guatemala

Working For Love Vs. Survival: Hiking in the Highlands of Guatemala


Diesel Head
Oh, I am sooooo using that one!!!! As for being prepared, true preparedness is what you carry in between your ears, not whats on your back. All the "gee-wiz" gear and toys don't mean anything if you have no common sense. I think you guys are more than prepared. :elkgrin:



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Their seems to be a problem with their website, as when I try to go there, my computer asks me if I want to download or save it, as though I had clicked on a file to download. Strange...

That is very strange. What browser are you using? Everything should be working fine.


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That site Wiped out my last laptop. Cleared everything..Fried my hard drive. BE WARNED..

A few months ago we were hacked and infected by a virus. Some people's computers were affected. We have since switched hosts and had all malware removed from our site. It is 'safe' once again.

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jesus m anderson