From my experience,200/300tdi rear ( & front)oil seals that leak will if not original,probably have been replaced at some point without a genuine LR oil seal. My 200tdi has 119,000kms and my 300tdi has 400,000kms......
Anything,IMO,that seals and is in a Britpart box should be avoided like the Black Plaque. Corteco make the seals for LR and should be installed instead of Britpart. You'll find some Corteco seals in Bearmach boxes also. In my experience Britpart parts should be SELECTIVELY chosen...e.g. discs are OK but clutches not.....timing belts not...but exhausts OK....etc etc etc....
These engines are of the old design pushrod type. Keep them serviced(I change all 3 filters every 5000kms) and they'll go on forever and OK with it.
You can have play North and South at the turbo impeller but none fore and aft.....if you search via utube you'll find lots of tutorials on reconditioning of the 200tdi etc and changing timing belts etc. ...all easy work with a home tool kit. When changing timing belts order a kit form Bearmach using Dayco timing belts(as opposed to Land Rover OE)and never Britpart.
Bearmach make kits for reconditioning these engines...not at all expensive. Having said that maybe postage to the USA could be a killer? Easy to find out though by email
e.g. do pistons with rings for 66 dollars each......inlet valve for 8 dollars etc etc ..all plus shipping.
Fitting a Discovery 200tdi to a LHD Defender can be done with only a few bits needing fabrication...or you can buy all that's needed from I have a 300tdi turbo and inlet manifold fitted on my 200tdi to allow this...easily found second hand.
Having said this,the best idea though is just to find a 200tdi Defender engine....but expect to pay twice as much and more for same,as opposed to a Disco 200tdi(plus shipping) You can find a 200tdi Disco engine for about £500-700. and or has kits to assist with the conversion...
My 110 ex army 110 has a Defender transfer box fitted as the army ones are shorter geared(hence 60-80mph)to compensate for the low bhp of the 2.5D engine. Don't forget the 110's were required to pull 9 or 10 soldiers with a laden Sankey trailer!!! I have a Disco transfer box to fit if the Defender one goes zap. This is taller geared still.
What I find is that older Defenders can be bought here in Europe at OK money for what they are I guess.Have a look at and see what's what. A reasonable LHD plus 25yrs old Defender here will set you back about 7500 dollars upwards...cheaper still in Spain due to the economic crisis there.(I spied a utility 300tdi 5 door station wagon 110 with 400k kms last week going for 3500 dollars...but too young for the US) A rough Defender needing the crap Turbo Diesel from old replaced/or with a seized motor can be bought from 2000 dollars. Here the chassis(if sourced from Southern France) will be relatively rust free compared to the north where they use salt on the roads in winter.
Try and to see relative prices for Defenders (and how much IMO you're getting fleeced for)...albeit RHD ones..another site for LHD is
At the end of the day they're basic and easy to work on and if you allow a few thousand dollars you can get it up to spec....some folk stateside these days are paying 30K upwards just to have someone else do the work,which is fine if the same folk can't do it themselves.
All this to say,IMO,if one takes their time to work on a project Defender then there's significant money to be saved....even if it's pushed onto a container for export!!(that is to say if authorised to do so lol)
I trust this helps normal people to avoid getting too fleeced by suppliers. The sooner people pay less the sooner the prices come back to normal!!!