2000 Ford 7.3L Motovan build (225's build cont'd)


Village Idiot
Pulled the top off, peeled off all the old caulking and resealed everything with 3M 5200.

It looks a little rough, but 5200 is sandable. So everything will be smoothed out before I bed liner the whole van.


I also added a piece of aluminum angle behind the front and screwed it to the roof. Once the 5200 cures (takes 3-5 days) I'll screw the top to the aluminum strip. I promise it's not moving now!

Next will be insulation, ceiling, and roof vent.


Village Idiot
Putting up insulation in the rain:


Maxxfan vent is in:






The ceiling goes up the next couple of days.


Village Idiot
how did you mount the awning to the side of the high top? and if gutter mounts used have link?

I tried to just bolt it directly onto the fiberglass top, but it was leaking. So, right now, it's not on. I'm going to use a piece of flat bar and bend a U in it, then bridge the top of it with another piece of flat bar. That way it will be flush against the top.

I'm doing that tomorrow, so I'll post pics of what I'm talking about.

If you're looking for good gutter mounts, I suggest these: https://www.jcroffroad.com/product/XJRK-MT.html

What materials at you finishing the ceiling and walls with?

Wood strips.

I stopped by UJoint Offroad and picked up some 4x4 goodies. Sometimes it's nice living 20 minutes from the shop.

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Village Idiot
Ran out of materials, and energy.. but made some decent progress today. It would be nice if it wasn't freaking raining all the time.

Started on the ceiling, and added 4 of the 6 lights.


Started staining everything that I finished. And tested out the LED strip for fun. Also, on the ledge, I'm building a mini shelf, and a rack for fishing poles and skis.


More tomorrow once I buy more wood to finish the ceiling, and maybe the storage compartment above the cab.


Village Idiot
Yay for 350k vans. We went up to Craggy Gardens, and the van overheated but cooled down and ran fine. Then the steering started whining on the way back. So I'm gonna have to look into that. Got some cool shots tho.



Saw a van that looked like a Quigley van:



Village Idiot
I'm not digging the way the ceiling came out, so it's getting a redo. Also, front springs for 4WD. Whoop whoop!



Village Idiot
Good news, I drove 800 miles to work and hit 360k!


Bad news, I'm "hoping" the my belt tensioner is have ******** the bed. There's a VERY loud rattling / clanging either coming from the belt tensioner pulley or the altenator. And hopefully not from the front to the engine. Whatever piston number that is.

I haven't had a loss in power. And I figured if it was something internal, the engine wouldn't be running, or have a major loss in power / white smoke / etc...

Here is a video. Kinda hard to hear it, but in person it's really loud.

The tensioner pulley is jerking a lot too. Seems like it would't usually be doing that. Not jerking a whole lot just 2-3mm of movement, but that still seems excessive?

The good news is, I get to change it in a gravel parking lot in hot a** Louisiana. But it will be a month before I get back to it.

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