Well camping season is upon us once more and my friend and Loaded up out trucks and made our way to the lake. Not to long of a drive approximately 130-140 miles there plus return trip. Hit the road with out gear ready to do a little driving. We left mid afternoon and were there in no time. The excursion did great on the road. Once we hit the little dirt path the excursion felt right at home.

My boy was excited to see water and cast his rod so as he headed out to fish, I set up camp and got the fire going. What a view we had we were approximately 20 feet from the lake and it was the perfect place to spend the night.

Started getting windy and cold quickly so the bundeled up and got ready for a chili night. We called it a night around midnight, the wind wasn't letting up and the temp started to drop. It probably only dropped to 39 degrees so it wasn't that bad.

Even though it was dark I decided to take a picture to show how close we got to came to the lake and how we got to wake up to the mountains and lake.
Next morning we woke up ate a simple breakfast and fished till around 1 pm. At 1 pm we decided to hit the road back and hit up Sparks's in Hatch NM, if your ever by there it's a must try. I got more photos of the fishing part than the rigs so I won't bore you guys but man we had a blast. I have made a few improvements to the interior of the excursion to maximize space. I will get some pictures soon of interior. No doubt about it I love my excursion !!! We are planing to head out to do some camping by the Rio Grande next weekend. Plus just added a butane stove to make warming up our food and coffee easier.