I leave tomorrow after work!
It was a busy weekend and I didn't take many pictures of the packing....
The little guy is 90% loaded, fueled, and ready to go. I still have my personal gear bag to pack and stick in the front seat. All in all I am pretty happy with the amount of stuff I got wedged in the little thing without it looking like a gypsy mobile or something out of a Mad Max movie....ok......little bit of Mad Max.
How the gear storage breaks down.....
-Roll of gear on the cowl. This has a camp chair rolled up in a foam sleeping pad rolled up in a super heavy duty 10x10 tarp. The roll is a little larger than I would have liked but not a huge issue. This really got a lot of bulk out of the cabin space.
-Around the front passenger seat. Recovery gear bag fit under the seat along with my mv50 electric compressor. The recovery gear is in a small canvas bag and includes a tree strap, 1 large shackle, 2 small shackles, a snatch block, and a 4' section of chain with a hook on one end. The spare rear drivesahft is tucked next to the seat on the outside along with a long skinny funnel, long prybar, and the spare parts/fix it bag. The tool bag goes in front of the passenger seat on the floor. My personal gear bag, my large backpack, goes in the passenger seat.
-The center console has all the stuff I want locked up. There is room under it for some misc gear.
-The glove box got filled up with stuff like rain gear, my jet kit for the carb, tire gauge, gloves, hats, schmag, etc.
-The rear cargo area is full but not super packed. 3 fuel can all nestled in there. My large tow strap. The jumper cables are in there own bag tucked behind the 'kitchen' boxs. The smaller box is kitchen stuff....stove, spork, salt/pepper, and my camp kit. The larger box is for food. I pre-prepped most of the food for the snow-wheeling in the backcountry part of the trip. All the food is non-refrigerated stuff.
-Both rear tool boxes are full. All the spare fluids are in the passenger box. All the misc overflow stuff got stowed in the drivers side box.
-The bottle jack got relocated under the hood on the drivers fender into a custom bracket.
Fun stuff! I hope I can sleep tonight. I will try and get some more pictures of the thing all packed up. On the road about 5pm tomorrow!