Made in China eBay MAF: problems and solutions.
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My 18 year old MAF was giving me many check engine codes and even after cleaning it the codes would reappear within a week. So I replaced it with the least expensive MAF I could find on eBay.
On the first off-road adventure the truck did great on washboard however once I hit my first obstacle the truck lost all power, just idled rough no matter how much gas I gave it. I was suspecting a couple things and with the engine running I jumped under the hood.
The MAF separated into two pieces. My made in China MAF was held loosely and was not glued like the ACDelco parts.
The air was not flowing through the airbox and across the MAF so no matter how much I depressed the throttle the vacuum was sucking in air from under the hood and the ECU was really confused.
At this point I was three miles into a 70mile one way trail and there was no way I was turning around, a little of gaffers tape and I was back in business. The rest of the trail the truck ran without any hesitation however the gaffers tape needed to be replaced with a better long term solution.
Airplanes and motorcycles use springs to keep exhaust pipes together so I decided to come up with a redneck cheap (something that costs nothing) solution that fits my application.
I always collect black bungee straps when I find them and have a whole bin of them in the garage. I cut the two pieces to the correct length and clamped them down with the existing hose clamps under slight tension.
Two rubber bungees was enough to hold the MAF together. Now when the motor moves under torque, the MAF separates slightly and comes back together as it should with no loss of power. This makes my MAF the only flexible joint in the air intake system from the snorkel to the throttle body.
Of course I took it out the next day on the trail and 50 miles later it held up perfectly, no loss of power and no check engine lights.
Stay tuned for more shenanigans!