I've seen it discussed in a forum before and I cant find the thread that talked about it in detail, but the forum link I sent you in my previous post, one member mentions that same thread mentioning aftermarket axles not doing well with excessive angle and causing vibrations since aftermarket axles for the Montero/ Pajero are 3 bearing and stock is 6. So if it's lifted, it can contribute to the issue. My google search also shows several other cars going with aftermarket axles and experiencing vibrations, so I safely assume this can also be the case, especially if they look recently replaced.I'm wondering if the rear CVs are either worn, or at too high of an angle, or are aftermarket
You can see this aftermarket one is a 3 bearing

vs the Monteros looking something like this

Not saying this is the source of your issue but could be worth looking into. Start with the simple issues first (wheel balancing, alignment, hubcentric rings, cupped tires) then work towards the bigger/ harder ones (wheel bearings, axles, differential, etc.).
Thanks again for everyone's help. Pictures of the front CVs for good luck: much for those stock CV axles? 👀
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