So any updates ? Or have you mostly been enjoying it 'as is' ? Keep it up !
Thanks for asking Jean-Seb, I have been remiss in updating this. I appreciate you asking... For the most part, I have just been enjoying the truck, it is very nice to be able to just get in and drive it and not worry about whatever new idea has popped up in my head.
Things I have done:
Added a KYB steering stabilizer. There is no real conclusive evidence on the net about this being a good thing, or a bad thing, for the pitman arm, but I figured I would give it a try. Pretty easy install, and it does help the bigger tires when hitting a pothole or washout in the road, as it absorbs some of that impact, you feel it less in the steering wheel... here is a pic of it before I put my steel skid plate back on.
I also upgraded my brakes to EBC slotted rotors up front and Green Stuff pads, and also installed Goodridge stainless steel brake lines, as well as flushed the brake system completely. Brake fluid is normally clear, and my old stuff came out the color of coffee. UGH! Big difference now with the fresh fluid and the stainless lines, I am very happy with the results. Mostly easy project with the exception of the one stainless line that goes from the frame and across to the bottom of the axle. Major irritation ensued while attempting to work in the few inches of space between the frame and body...but I managed and got it done.
Also, the truck started to show some strange sounds (a surging and loping of the throttle) when under acceleration, which was determined to most likely be the imminent death of my fuel pump, which is a common ailment on these trucks. So, I replaced the fuel pump with a new one. I did it myself and saved huge $$$ on labor, but it took about a full day to figure out and complete. Frustrating, sure, but I was glad to have done it myself and not had to shell out about $1K for it. Problem solved too.
Otherwise, I have just been driving the truck in the local area some, my work schedule this year just has not permitted me to take so much as a trip down to the beach. I regret it looks like I wont even get my kayak out this year

but hopefully next year will be better with work. Sigh.
Here's a few of the pics I took the past year...