Sorry I haven't said thank you for the replies. Life has been a little overwhelming and honestly haven't had time to mess with this issue much. I did remove the throttle body and clean it up (it wasn't that bad)...did the EGR valve too for kicks and giggles. I'm wary of cleaning the MAF since it's a Karmen Vortex version. Everything I've read about them tells me DO NOT CLEAN THEM EVER OR YOU WILL RUIN it's not very dirty anyways. Throttle body gasket was in decent shape, though it is an aftermarket Fel-pro version (doesn't have the metal impregnated in the gasket material like the OEM or the Victor Reinz). Not sure if that makes a difference, though the FSM did say that a bad gasket would cause poor idle. I think I'll buy a new one (correct one) for next time.
After getting everything hooked back up I idled the truck for a while (10 mins), no ac or accessories. Idled properly at 700 rpm, but at some point it began to play with things...almost as if it were adjusting itself. I wish I had taken better notes, but it wasn't random ups and downs, more like it was trying different trims and adjusting itself. Shut engine off for a few minutes and started it again, this time idling with the ac on...engine idle would bump up like the FSM indicates, but the voltage would drop (I have a plug in digital voltage gauge that I keep plugged into the center console 12v outlet). It is this "drop" that I think is causing my stalls, because I'm not getting enough spark to run.
I've had my eye on the alternator for a while since it doesn't seem to keep up with demand, but am a little gun shy on pulling the trigger to buy a new one since I'm not sure if it's the, or the only, culprit (see my other "slaying electrical gremlins" thread...which I need to update as well). A question that I can't yet figure out is who controls the alternator's voltage output? Is it the internal voltage regulator (which, well, regulates the voltage) or is it the PCM (which tells the regulator to regulate based on demands, etc.)?
I'm hoping to fix some wiring gremlins this week (hard to find time) including: new battery terminals, cutting back corroded positive and negative cables to crimp on new ring terminals, checking the alternator "B" terminal side of the positive cable (including voltage drop tests,, refinishing all engine compartment grounds, etc. I may even remove the alternator to clean it (pretty sure it's covered in oil like everything else under the hood). Hoping to make something better and rule out any "other" issues. Then we'll try the new alternator step if needed (they're really not that expensive...compared to a PCM

Again, thanks guys for the advice...still wish I could find the TSB for the relearn procedure though. If it exists, and I find it, I'll be sure to put it up here for all future owner's reference.
P.S.: I really despise the previous owner and his lackey mechanics because it seems like everything under the hood has been over-torqued in the many stripped threads particularly if the part is aluminum. I'm longing for the day when I can find a 3rd Gen in a junkyard because I've got a list a mile long of small parts I need to replace. Anybody in Virginia that sees one, please let me know.