2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ


I think the Cherokee & Grand Cherokee vehicles make excellent platforms for overlanding. Yours looks good, and seems to fit your needs well.

Thank you! So far its meeting all my need for the most part. A little more room would be nice, but the recent addition of a roof rack should fix that.


I haven't posted in a while, but that doesn't mean nothing has been going on.

Back in late January I ended up getting a roof rack. I really haven't needed it yet, but I want to make my own rack and do so without using the stock rails. Apparently they are not installed in the best way from what I've heard.

Before the COVID issues, my wife and I were doing a lot of hiking. On one trip into Phoenix, we took some photos.

Pointe Hilton on 1-18-2020 1.jpg

Scottsdale Fashion Mall 1-18-2020.jpg

More recently, I finally replaced the rear brakes. I had the materials for about 10 months, and only did the fronts back then.

Rear brakes 4-19-2020.jpg

I was pleased to say they weren't as bad as I thought.

Rear brakes 4-19-2020-2.jpg

I will say the new rotors look much better.

Rear brakes 4-19-2020-3.jpg

And though not too low, the new pads look much better as well.

Rear brakes 4-19-2020-4.jpg

Luckily I didn't run into any issues, so the whole job only took about 90 minutes for both sides.

Rear brakes 4-19-2020-5.jpg

And yesterday morning, I put a new air filter in. I never replaced it, but I didn't think it was too bad for being in the desert.

New Air Filter 4-26-2020-1 Resized.jpg


This last weekend we decided to go up to Sedona, Az. On the way up on a grade, I thought the Jeep was smoking a bit. After a moment, I knew it was, a LOT. There was a smoke screen behind me. I pulled over and saw it was from oil pouring all over the exhaust, which was apparent from the stream coming down to the exhaust pipe from between the engine and trans.

Being that the high desert is so dry, I was just barely off the road as to not start a fire. After the oil and smoke stopped, I decided to try and move off the road more.

The Jeep started up fine, and I moved over more. Since it seemed ok, I decided to try getting to the next exit 2 miles away. I started slow, and sped up to the speed limit of 75MPH. I checked the Jeep out at the exit. No trans problems, no oil problems, no coolant problems...I'm still stumped.

The day before I had an ex coworker fix a leaking AC low pressure valve and balance the refrigerant. Maybe he left oil (not sure why he would) under the hood? The below photo shows the "clean" area on the bell housing that the oil was coming from.
WJ Underside After Oil Leak 5-14-2020.jpg

We were hoping to go farther north, but stayed right in Sedona and did a popular trail there called Broken Arrow. The stock WJ couldn't do it all, but we still had a lot of fun.

Broken Arrow 5-14-2020.jpg

As a family trip, the kids loved it there! After being home a lot due to quarantine, they were thrilled to be out.

Kids at Submarine Rock 5-14-2020.jpg

As did my wife.
Summer and Sterling Sedona 5-14-2020 Resized.jpg

As did I!
Sterling and I Submarine Rock 5-14-2020.jpg

And the drive out had great views.
Broken Arrow 5-14-2020-2 Resized.jpg

We walked around town for a bit and left mid afternoon, cautious of any more oil problems. However, there were none. I drive Over 200 miles that day after the incident and there were no more leaks or issues. I drove it all weekend in town and to work the last two days. Not one single problem.


Last weekend I took the time to change the spark plugs. I don't know if the prior owners ever changed them, and I know I never did. The new Bosch ones certainly feel like the Jeep has more power from a stop, and road driving seems much smoother and has a better power band.

WJ Spark Plug Change at 1750000 miles.jpg

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