Quick Door County recap
So I go this far with google maps and Garmin GPS and google earth softwares combined:
So the embedded map did work at all. Here is a link https://www.google.com/maps/ms?msid=214544715000405509794.0004fbea317195e22604d&msa=0&ll=45.151538,-87.338562&spn=0.431461,0.891953
A couple snapshots from the trip:
me and the $30 bike carrier arrangement. It worked OK.

Roughing it, as always. Why yes, that IS a chocolate croissant.

Our site at Newport State Park. Cozy, and bikes are allowed on the VERY rough main trail that links all the sites and public areas.
This was our first, totally not planned, attempt and bicycle camping. It worked out okay since this is a small park. We took at least 2 rides to get everything in or out the 1.5 miles, which was okay.
Our site at Peninsula State Park was much more...civilized? and very typical of Tourist parks I have stayed in.

The author, contemplating life. And fedoras.
There is some very interesting history here, if you can find the billboard about it. This was once a small timber village and the beaches were amazing. Now-a-days all the beaches are grown over with grass since you are not supposed to walk on them.

So I go this far with google maps and Garmin GPS and google earth softwares combined:
So the embedded map did work at all. Here is a link https://www.google.com/maps/ms?msid=214544715000405509794.0004fbea317195e22604d&msa=0&ll=45.151538,-87.338562&spn=0.431461,0.891953
A couple snapshots from the trip:
me and the $30 bike carrier arrangement. It worked OK.

Roughing it, as always. Why yes, that IS a chocolate croissant.

Our site at Newport State Park. Cozy, and bikes are allowed on the VERY rough main trail that links all the sites and public areas.
This was our first, totally not planned, attempt and bicycle camping. It worked out okay since this is a small park. We took at least 2 rides to get everything in or out the 1.5 miles, which was okay.
Our site at Peninsula State Park was much more...civilized? and very typical of Tourist parks I have stayed in.

The author, contemplating life. And fedoras.
There is some very interesting history here, if you can find the billboard about it. This was once a small timber village and the beaches were amazing. Now-a-days all the beaches are grown over with grass since you are not supposed to walk on them.

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