Double clutching under load can often get you into 1st without grinding
Aussie Iron - I have never tried double clutching, but was curious about it, especially in that scenario when you are going up an increasingly steeper hill and have to go to first. It's always a pain when a truck in front of you has to stop to change gears, didn't want to be that guy....
When I drive off road where there is a need for first gear I find it much better to use 4 low, that way gear selection is easy, obviously that does not allow you to throw it into 1st gear but second or third etc are in the range of 1st gear high.
westyss - This makes a lot of sense for the ever-steeper hill scenario. Instead of stopping twice, ( 1st High then 4-Low ) - I hadn't considered the overlapping gear ratios.
Sounds like you have found a good way to test the competence of your local mechanics. It's not an unusual thing for a truck to not have a synchro on the first gear.
pugslyyy - I had rented a large moving truck once without a 1st gear synchro, but that was many years ago. My bad for assuming an '05 would have it. Unfortunately, I don't think the dealers here see many FGs - mainly 2wd delivery trucks. I didn't think to ask if the FE has a 1st gear synchro - but 3 out of the 4 techs I spoke to thought grinding into 1st was bad on the fg.
Thank you all again for setting me straight on the 2-1 downshift. You and this site are a valued resource, and a great place to while away the hours dreaming.