2005 Chevy Express 3500 15 Passenger build


New member
Been thinking about building a van for awhile now, and I’m not sure I’m posting in the right place, but here it is.

(Hope I did that right)

So, we are not really building into a camper, or even a sleepable space, we just want to use it for travel with our 3 kids and 3 dogs. Our plan is to spend a few years traveling the Pan American Hwy starting here in Southern California and ending in southern Argentina/Chile.
Anyway, as for the van, it needed tires, so I painted the stock wheels and added some 265/75/16 all-terrains. Just ordered the level kit from WeldTec, am having the front windows tinted, ordered some better speakers (already has a nice pioneer headunit), and started on the plans for making a full roof rack/basket. Planning for a rear locker and maybe some bumpers and a tire carrier in the future. Thought I would document my progress here.


Will like seeing what you do for a locker. What axle do you have. I have a Dana 60 c-clip axle and wanted to go Truetrac but was told they don't make one for that axle.
Been keeping my eye open for a 14 bolt FF.



New member
I plan to go with a Powertrax locker. I have a Dana 70, but I have not pulled it apart to see if it’s a 32 spline or 35. Either way, Powertrax makes a locker for it.


That van looks familiar, there was on on San Diego CL for awhile that looked just like it... the government has been auctioning off a bunch of their 10yr old vans..
If you're happy with the factory axle ratio then any of the lunchbox lockers are a good option. If you plan to regear then look at a Truetrac or a selectable locker option(much better drive-ability), you didn't mention if you plan to be towing, that would have a pretty significant impact on whether you regear or not, the one size up on tires (245 to 265) won't be a big deal unless you are at 3.73's and plan to tow.


New member
It does have 3.73s, and I don’t have any plans to tow or change ratios. I had powertrax lockers in both my old samurai and ramcharger, they held up well and drivability wasn’t an issue. The samurai was worse than the full size, but still not bad, mostly just the clicking around corners that gets you funny looks.
Oh, it’s the same van you saw on Craig’s. LOL I’m in Temecula.


New member
windows tinted today, also had the front turns tinted, and some black vinyl in the gap between the windows on the side door (although I think it needs to be redone. Looked good in the shop, but once in the sun it doesn't look even). And last I installed new Kicker speakers in the rear sound bar. Weldtec level kit is scheduled to arrive today, hoping to get that installed over the weekend, but might have to wait until next week. Also have the tail lights tinted (didn't have time today) next week.


It does have 3.73s, and I don't have any plans to tow or change ratios. I had powertrax lockers in both my old samurai and ramcharger, they held up well and drivability wasn't an issue. The samurai was worse than the full size, but still not bad, mostly just the clicking around corners that gets you funny looks.
Oh, it's the same van you saw on Craig's. LOL I'm in Temecula.

Nice looking van, we have a 2003 Express 2500 and were are looking to order a Weldtec kit would love to here your feed back on the it. We used to live in Temecula from 2007 -08.


New member
Man, I'm terrible at taking pictures when I do projects...
Anyway, let's see, so far I have installed the rear Kicker 4x6's (as stated above), also installed some JBL separates in the front doors. I bought 15sqft of x-mat from Eastwood and did sheets on all the doors and sidewalls. It's amazing how much more solid it feels and sounds. I live on a dirt road, and it really softened the vibrations from the washboards. As I was doing the x-mat, I found that the passenger rear door was wired for a speaker (not installed), so I mounted a spare Infiniti 6.5 back there... adding that speaker added a lot of sound in the rear, sounds much better. Hm... what else? Oh, on the way to my sister-in-law's house to babysit on Friday the alternator took a dump on Ortega Hwy... luckily the van made it to Dana Point and Autozone had a new replacement in stock. Got that swapped out and AZ recharged the battery and we were good to go. Planning to install the Weldtec spring spacers tomorrow... really looking forward to the outcome.


Nice looking van, we have a 2003 Express 2500 and were are looking to order a Weldtec kit would love to here your feed back on the it. We used to live in Temecula from 2007 -08.

Thanks! I will keep this thread posted with how I like the kit. I will say that the spacers themselves are nice and solid... great quality! Almost too pretty to hide, but they will be installed regardless.


New member
Did the spacer install today and found a little surprise in the process... PSA; delrin spacers do not cut it on these big vans... yikes! I didn't know these were in there.


Before install (remember, those delrin spacers were in there)

After install


New member
Those are not spacers, just the factory spring isolators. They probably should have stayed on the coils with the spacers.

Yep, you'll probably get some squeaking and popping with them removed....I've never seen them in that orange color before...all mine have been black.
Pretty normal to just replace them anytime you have the springs out, they are pretty cheap..

They were definitely not isolators, I didn’t save the part number, but they appeared to be a crushed 1” spacer made of delrin. The drivers side one was a bit better off than the passenger side, but they were smashed and mangled. I did put in new isolators between the weldtec spacer and spring though.

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