Mat Mobile
[...]The AC was become the only MAJOR block. After a LOT of research, the ONLY reasonable way is to put it in the Rear Window using a small home-type Window unit AC. SOMEONE ?? Actually DOES make a real 'kit" inclusing a fiberglass mouting shell, and a nice upholstered inside part with the AC cutout etc.
BUT! The ONLY place i can find that sells the thing is in Canada. And they prefer to speak French. Unfortunately I can't. What i find odd is that they are a small retailer it appears and that means they have to get this whole setup from SOMEBODY. But I have nto found a trace.
I would actually not mind ordering from the people who say they DO have it, if i could get someone to take my order.. Yep, it is that hard.
If anyone here has any info on this thing The only specifics i can find are that i would order part/item "DANBY". It looks great and the one person i know who got one, says it works great too.
So I am now posting this info on every forum i'm in hoping that someone , somewhere, has seen such a thing. Remove window glass from rear door pop in this kit. Bolt down with no permanent changes to door frame so window glass can be reinstalled if desired. It is all fiberglass outside with all the brackets needed for mounting the AC
you can buy it with a 5000 btu unit they supply. Anyone with info on something like this please reply. :sombrero:
The company (Safari Condo if I'm not mistaken. Correct?) is from the province of Québec. Our native tongue is french and, especially in the regions outside of big cities, not everybody is billingual. Long story! I'm from Québec so my native tongue is also french but I spent considerable time watching Sesame Street as a kid!

Have you tried e-mailing them and having them use Google Translate?
I would prefer if you ordered directly from them but if Google Translate doesn't work, I guess I could help you out. Just PM me.