ARB 33000lbs Snatch-strap. It's $100; but I'd bet my life on it working right, every time.
It's built to stretch vs the standard yellow tow straps which are typically made of polyester with little stretch. Good info/selections for other-than-ARB straps:
Tow Straps and Recovery Straps
Also picked up two of these:
Crosby 1018491 - Crosby G-209 Galvanized Screw Pin 3/4" Shackle (7/8" Diameter Pin) (WLL 4.75 Ton) - Quadratec
Crosby shackles are rated among the best of the best - with a working load of about 10,000lbs it'll hold nearly twice my truck's weight without fatiguing. They are 'proof loaded' at 19,000lbs - with 'ultimate strength' of 57,000lbs. I got two; one for my truck and one for ex's SuperCrew - so if either of us must be tugged out, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt our side will hold. I have smitty-built shackles as spares; although ultimately wouldn't trust them as much, so far they've worked well for me.
As an aside, I also bought two metal Nato Fuel cans from Lexington Container. These are the real deal - and I'm SUPER happy with the purchase. If you're looking for REAL fuel cans, these can't be beaten. $120 shipped for two cans and two spouts. When I open the lid I can hear it make that sucking sound (same sound some folks at work make when speaking to 'higher ups') from the tight seal. I'd have no reservations storing these cans laying down.
(you can see the little bracket that comes with the nozzles to affix them to the can, as well as the locking pins (although in the pic they have rings, mine are L-shaped w/o rings) that hold the fuel can closed)
Also picked up a spare winch - Harbor Freight 'Badlands' 9,000lbs winch:
this thing kicks ***. That's all.
$300 - 20% coupon from Harbor Freight.
For ~$250 I can't imagine this thing being beat. The unit (hehe...) feels SOLID; every part feels like quality construction. I even picked up a wireless remote for it $40 - 20% coupon.
I'll grab vids and whatnot as I try to get myself stuck in my back yard within the next couple of days. So far it's quiet, and does what its supposed to do.
My only complaint is - the wire clamp (metal chuck that holds the wire into a loop) is a LITTLE too thick (thats what SHE said) for the fairlead - so I have to sorta work-it free when extending the cable.
I'm running an Ebay 'EYourLife' 23" LED bar now, too.
I had to have the light tabs on my bumper moved because of the bulk of the bar + brackets. Nevertheless, I am beyond happy with the purchase - came complete with wiring harness. True plug and play. Despite the yellow tint you see in the 'off' pic (where you can see how I moved the brackets from atop the cross bar, to mid-bar), that's probably a reflect from my phone's flash. No yellow/amber when viewed normally. The bar is advertised at 10k lumens, however I have no way to measure. What I can see, however, is subjectively the light could be 10x brighter than my headlamp bulbs, which are likely about 800 lumens. The bumper lights have 85W Hella - amber - in diffused/fog-patter glass lenses and metal housings.
And lastly - SummitRacing is offering Tred1100 Recovery ramps for $105 + shipping. I picked up two, in blue. Pics to follow.
Click the attachment for larger resolution of the front of the truck.