2006 Trailblazer Build Thread


Replaced this rusty crap

With this stuff

I will get a pic of it installed since I forgot, but the difference is amazing. As the exhaust was rotting I did not realize how loud it had become with basically a straight pip setup over the past year or so. With the simple Magnaflow and turndown it sounds nice and clean with much less inside noise. Almost silent to my ears. We cut the old mounting bolts and pulled the rust out. Used a new flange gasket and bolted up new stuff, but to fit right with the dump we shorted it a couple inches and welded it right to the muffler exit. The mount on the magnaflow was for an ext, so I had to chop the part that slid in the rubber hanger off and weld it right to where the dump was attached. Fit right is and is nice and solid. It now dumps a few inches before the rear axle.

Updated Pics of under:


Ironhide Fx4

This is a great build! I'm shocked you get such good mpg with this setup. I have a stock 07 Trailblazer that almost gets 17 mpg. May be just my heavy foot. I am building up a 2012 f150 currently I may have to start on the blazer soon after seeing this. A lot of the parts and work you put in is way over my abilities though.


Thanks. I got about 20 stock. I drive fairly conservative. It is no race truck lifted or stock. I have noticed it has been about 14-15 mpg over past few tanks so i think it is about time for some plugs and the water pump may be making a bit of noise. Need to check all the pulleys. Overall though for what it is, I am thrilled. The debate of SAS comes up but I hate to do that to something that really works so well.


The front diff is the same from SS or any Trailblazer. No extra strength and really not that stout. Has no limited slip options. No selectable locking options. The only locker that was available is now out of stock everywhere.

This makes a SAS really tempting. Dome strength and traction options would really open up.


Expedition Leader
Looks like you really needed to replace :Wow1:that exhaust system Mr Hardtrailz! The new system looks good.:)


Some pics of the Friday cleaning and then the dirtying on Sat and Sunday at Interlake . Still love how well this truck does when I did 400 miles on road and about 60 off. Trip there was 16 mpg in a hurry and back at 66 mph due to rig following me I held 17.2.



Do any frontend parts cross-over to the H3 platform? I know the H3 Alpha came with a cast iron front centersection.

No. H3 stuff is different. Plus the centersection material is not the issue near as much as is the lack of any traction aide for the front diff. A basic SAS w a 44 or bigger would be an upgrade to either aluminum or cast ifs imho.


Some new work on the rig. Picked up some new wheels n tires. 35s on 17s again, but Falken MT and American Outlaw wheels this time. Stripped off the roof rack and rear bumper swings for a re-do of configuration and powdercoating. Also played with one of the front grills and made it white for awhile. Also put in some LED headlight bulbs...not impressed. Think i will do a better projector and go back to HID bulbs again. Also added new door speakers since it was down to one working occasionally. Did get a double din head unit but it is not installed yet. Also picked up a couple new jerry cans to build the rear swing around cause i want a shelf/dual can holder that I can use more often. Slapped in some new hubs and tie rod, but need to regrease the splined disco and do the CVs when I get a bit more time. Been a couple years, so its about time for basic maintenance. Still really happy with the truck overall and do not see ever getting rid of it.

Before the strip

Tires and wheels the wife actually picked out

On the truck. Ride nice and seem like they do pretty good.

Stripped down for the re-do

The grill for something different, but its already about to change the more I look at it. Easy silly fun when you got 3 spares.


Ironhide Fx4

Love this build. It gives me ideas for my 07 trailblazer. Unfortunately it is not running well recently and has to be towed to the shop to get figured out. Depending on that, I may have to follow your lead a bit and get it built.


Love this build. It gives me ideas for my 07 trailblazer. Unfortunately it is not running well recently and has to be towed to the shop to get figured out. Depending on that, I may have to follow your lead a bit and get it built.

If you got questions, feel free to ask. I been around these since 09 and moderate a forum and some FB pages dedicated to them. If I don't know, I bet I know someone who does. Might even know some guys in your area.

Ironhide Fx4

If you got questions, feel free to ask. I been around these since 09 and moderate a forum and some FB pages dedicated to them. If I don't know, I bet I know someone who does. Might even know some guys in your area.

I am going to take you up on that! If I can save this motor I will need to beef it up a bit. My F150 is the go to but it's to big for many trails. The trailblazer is a perfect alternative.


Sure thing. I can PM you.

I am really happy with my motor with simply having the PCM tuned, intake opened up and exhaust. Runs great and gives excellent MPG for being on 35s.

The trailblazer is almost dimensionally a JKU. Wheelbase, width, and length. Granted full roof vs removable, but the TB has a tighter turning radius and it helps me quite a bit with tooling around trail with the JK guys i wheel with.

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