2007 Fuso Fg Relay Getting hot and temp gauge not working - any idea?


4 Season Traveller
I really don't have a clue and can't remember where I read it, but the extra blank plate on my tank has four vaguely visible "dimples" in it, about 1/2" diameter, which may or may not be soft, and may or may not be designed to melt in unlikely event of fire inside tank.

Then again .......

Just in case I drilled an extra hole in the tank for heater and cooktop. Made the drill bit as magnetic as I could, magnet inside, and after drilling a magnet attached to inside of drain plug. So far 100,000km. Maybe just lucky! :)

yes this is getting back to SkiFreak's idea of fabbing some parts. I can remove the additional plate and eliminate all possibilities of metal bits falling into the tank.


Crazy Person
Both Wallis and Espar use little pulse pumps. The size of the intake line should not be an issue, but you should only run a very small diameter outlet line from the pump to the appliance. The closer the pump is to the tank the better, as these little pumps definitely push fuel better than they pull. The installation instructions that I have for my Webasto (that uses the same style of pump) says it can have a head of one metre, but priming at that sort of height could prove problematic, so I would keep the head height as low as is practical.


4 Season Traveller
in the manual there are separate tests for operation of sensor and gauge.

The oil level relay I would check the push button switch - just disconnect wire - and the wire from there to the relay. If not a short at the relay. "Chattering" is a bit like a short that provides enough current to energise the relay but too much resistance to hold it on so look for black or melted bits.

My oil level isn't working at present (left over from near electrical fire) - to save me a bit of effort where did you find the relay?

Got a check oil switch and temp sending unit from Tom's Truck Center (they have a full line of Fuso parts and give you a discount from retail!). Gait was correct, the switch was bad and the relay has quit chattering. Fortunately Bobar (Bob) had stopped in with his 2007 EC EXP and explained that the temp sending unit was not the sending unit on the thermostat housing. The temp sender is mounted in the block below the turbo intake tubes. It took a whopping 5 minutes to get to it and change it. All is well and the gauge is reading fine. Thanks for everyone's input. It was good to have two easy solution, I find this to be a rare occurrence!

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