2011 CC LWB Frontier with Vagabond Drifter

Installed longer rear shocks, an aluminum fuel tank skid, aluminum engine skid and a shrockworks diff cover. Also rerouted a lot of the electrical to one corner in the camper and upgraded the mattress. I’m planning to knock quite a bit off the list this summer.
I’ve ordered new coilovers, 8020 storage and need to install the extended brake lines, some new lighting and snorkel.

It’s getting plenty of use! Just skied Mt. St. Helens this past weekend and it made a great basecamp to sleep in at the trailhead. 103D93FD-2BA2-4772-BC65-E33A63E31207.jpeg6E122096-CB5D-45A2-92AF-631F6D8FF252.jpeg
Got around to installing the extended brake lines, some offroad lights, 6 gang switch panel and my passenger side 8020 storage:


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Got to use the camper (Mt. Adam’s C2C, so slept at the trailhead) and do work on it in the same weekend. Installed some extended travel coilovers that pretty much max out the travel from the geometry. One day I will Titan swap but this should keep me happy for a while!
Finally gathered the strength to drill a 4" hole in the fender! This thing has been sitting in my garage for almost a year. Added a Snorkel Upgrade precleaner and we are all set! 19BD4347-FC47-497F-B329-1EF67D2A17E7_1_105_c.jpeg
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How much does the snorkel block your view driving?
Not at all really. I see the precleaner a little bit from the drivers seat but had I left the normal head on there, I probably wouldn't see it at all. The actual body of the snorkel is right behind the A pillar.
Where did you order those sweet skids from?
Hefty Fabworks (they often have 10% off)
And ASFIR 4x4 for the gas skid
I highly recommend the asfir due to the cost and quality. I probably would have gone all ASFIR but hefty is the only brand that makes a transfer case skid compatible for the long bed crew cabs
got the Simarine Pico and heater installed. The pico has an inclinometer, battery monitor(s), temperature sensors, and tank levels. It is pretty slick. I just need to go through and configure everything.41E49E8F-BAAE-477A-B7DA-9AB1B11B96AB_1_105_c.jpeg40F281CF-B72B-4609-8B68-F374F8706054_1_105_c.jpeg

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