2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee


Expedition Leader
Motor Trend compared the Grand Cherokee Overland with the Land Rover LR4 HSE. Result: GC is improved, but LR4 remains a better choice.

That's interesting. I made a similar comparison here:

I note that they always misquote the LR3/LR3/RRS platform's ground clearance. There are three off road heights. The highest setting (super extended mode) is 5" higher than normal mode. Also, they never mentioned features that are important to off road use, such as the tie downs.
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Expedition Leader
:oops: :eek: :smilies27: That is one UGLY car IMO. It's certainly not a Truck anymore. I find it sort of laughable that they even offer an "Overland" model(the JK makes perfect sence and is one hell of a Truck but this thing??? :confused: ). Not that I gave much credence to Jeep's whole "Trail Rated" schtick, but this is officialy the death of the Grand as a usefull 4wd IMO. It appears that with all the neat "concept" vehicles Jeep has been churning out (Nukizer :drool: , Imortal :drool: , Trail Boss and Even the Patriot Extreme), it made more sence to make yet another generic Car-based SUV. No sale, in fact I think I threw up a little when I saw it for the first time. More so everytime I've seen it subsequently.



Root Moose

Expedition Leader
I don't think Jeep is terribly worried about it, Dave. You were never going to buy one regardless of what it was anyway. ;)

Serious point: what are people's take on this vehicle being cross-shopped with the new Explorer? I reckon Jeep may have a hard time on its hands now that Ford has shown its cards.


Expedition Leader
I don't think Jeep is terribly worried about it, Dave. You were never going to buy one regardless of what it was anyway. ;)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good one mate, that is a true statement eh ;)

EDIT: To be fair though mate... I've hade more then a few XJ's and I am an admited LJ LOVER to the bottom of my heart (also love CJ6's and *'s alot too) I'm just no fan of Uni-body Jeeps for MANY good reasons. Still think they're very compotent trail rigs, I just prefer my much heavier-duty Body on Frame trucks eh ;) Plus, just because tyou drive a Jeep doesn't mean I wouldn't LOVE to go out and wheel with you. I'm more about the Man/Woman behind the wheel and making good friends over comon interest's. Therefore no matter what you drive I'd still love to meet you and jaw your ear off some day mate. Certainly hope I didn't offend eh ;)


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Expedition Leader
SO reading the new Car and Driver test of the new GC I can't find ANY reference to it having a true T-case w/low range... Is this true??? If it doesn't then IMO the GC truly IS dead as an off-road worthy truck. I thought it had a full compliment of E-lockers so I'd assume it'd still have a Low-Range box. BUT I'm seeing NO reference to it and usualy they're pretty good about covering everything like that in the stats section. Odd to say the least.

The '11 GC looks much better than the newest 4Runner, especially in person.
I gotta whole heartedly DISagree with you there. The 5th Gen 4Runn is, to me, dead sexy And next to the JK Wrangler Runbicon, and the Power Wagon the most capable new truck on the market. But that's a subjective argument and you certainly don't have to have the same opinion as me eh ;)


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I just saw an ad about the skidplates.

I'm pretty sure skidplates are still an OPTION on every Jeep vehicle even though all get that "trail rated" badge. Are tow hooks even standard yet?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdbFrDnukr0"]YouTube- 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Skid Plate[/ame]
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Expedition Leader
Truck Trend completed its two part comparison of the new Grand Cherokee. The first article compared the GC with the Lard Rover LR4. Winner: LR4.

This time, the competitor is the Toyota 4Runner Trail Edition.

Result: The Trail version of the 4Runner is better off-road, but the GC is better everywhere else. Winner: Grand Cherokee. (Maybe if the comparison was with a 4Runner Limited, the result would be different.)



Mileage report with our new GC---

It's my wifes new commuter/ski trip car. V6 4x4. And yes, before signing on the dotted line I asked if she would'nt rather have a Wrangler instead. :)

She took off from Tucson to meet up with a friend in Grand Junction for the wine festival, with ~400 miles on the odo at the start of this road trip. Got back home last night, adding 1503 miles for this trip. Mostly drove secondary roads, with about 200 miles of it being interstate. Also a look/see to Grand Mesa.

She does not drive for economy--she is either on the gas, or on the brake.:eek: Anyway, I'm very happy with the 24.35 mpg average for the 1503 miles. Best tank (well, not a full tank...more like a half tank) was 27.2 mpg, and worst tank was 23.5.



It's my wifes new commuter/ski trip car. V6 4x4. And yes, before signing on the dotted line I asked if she would'nt rather have a Wrangler instead. :)

She took off from Tucson to meet up with a friend in Grand Junction for the wine festival, with ~400 miles on the odo at the start of this road trip. Got back home last night, adding 1503 miles for this trip. Mostly drove secondary roads, with about 200 miles of it being interstate. Also a look/see to Grand Mesa.

She does not drive for economy--she is either on the gas, or on the brake.:eek: Anyway, I'm very happy with the 24.35 mpg average for the 1503 miles. Best tank (well, not a full tank...more like a half tank) was 27.2 mpg, and worst tank was 23.5.


Those mileage numbers are amazing... The Pentastar must be a great engine.

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