I really love that bumper ... and the truck is looking dialed. Kudos.
Thanks skibum315.
I really love that bumper ... and the truck is looking dialed. Kudos.
This is one of the greatest off road trails in Colorado. FS 277 takes you almost to the top of Mt Antero, which is a 14er in the Sawatch Mt Range. At its highest point the trail hits 13,800ft, and then FS 278 drops you into Browns Lake. The trail into Browns Lake is challenging and on the way up we had a guy in a bone stock Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport tell us that he could not make in down to the lake. I told him he should have got the off road package and not the sport!! All kidding aside he had me worried for hours on the way to FS 278 thinking that the trail might have gotten worse since the last time we came up. The trail turned out not to be too bad, but a stock truck with open diffs would have struggled and suffered some body and undercarriage damage. We tested the sliders and skids more than a few times, and had to use the locker a couple of times on the way out of Browns Lake.
Very tastefully done Fronty you have there Bijanjames. I've been following your build as well as wreckdiver's for a while. Been a big fan of the current gen Frontiers since they came out and would love to build on up someday but with a bit more lift. I dig your truck right down to the color, bumpers and mods you have done.
Curious if you did any fishing at Brown's Lake? Last time I was there in 2007 the lake was merely a knee high puddle all around with not a fish to be found although I've heard it supposed to be a good lake for Cutthroat. The nice thing about Brown's Lake is the fact you typically won't have company down there as the road keeps the riffraff out including ATV's. Seems that trail is more difficult for short narrow ATV's. We passed a guy at the top of Mt. Antero in a Land Rover that told us the same thing as the Taco guy told you that we wouldn't make, especially in full-size trucks. We had no problems but we were all locked front and rear with decent ground clearance. Not even a scratch or nick. I would really like to go back up there sometime. There are a lot of great trails and neat lakes up in Chaffee County. The trip when we hit Brown's Lake we exited through Tomichi Pass. That is another neat jaunt to check out sometime. Back to Antero…. About 10 years ago there were a bunch of hilljacks that tried to stake claim at the top of Mt. Antero mining for Aquamarine gemstones. Those dudes would prance around with AR-15's on their side and approach passerby's to scare them off so nobody would see where they were digging around. The BLM or someone finally shut those guys down. It was crazy!
Have you found the need to regear with all the added weight?
Great pic. Can not wait to see this new flippac. How are you liking your soft topper though? Do you feel it's pretty secure for being cloth? Pretty water resistant?