2011 VW Touareg announced

Reminds me of the old Bugs where the battery was under the rear seat. I was driving one once and a big guy was sitting in the back and he shorted out the battery on the metal springs of the seat and that started the stuffing on fire while we were at a stop light. We piled out of the car, tore the seat out and stood there laughing at ourselves while the people stuck behind us were honking their horns.


That brought back memories of my square back. I had a back seat fire too. What was that stuffing? Horse hair or straw? Brilliant! I had many older diesels mostly rabbits. Pretty much little tractor engines. Very reliable and awesome mileage (could put a Prius to shame). You could even rebuild the engine while it was still in the car.

Those days are long gone...


Not off-road capable? Well I don't know about that. There are certainly some bad feelings from some on this board, but my '08 Treg has been very reliable. It is too bad the 2011 models come equipped with only with 4Motion and not 4XMotion in the U.S. market as with the older models. The same thing is true for air suspention.
About that lack of off-road capability....
An evening run up Potato Ridge

Leading the way up Little Devil Canyon

Nigel Caffiene

Gentleman Scholar
Very nice pictures TRegasaurus!

Curiously, I am another statisifed owner of an early VIN ('04) loaded V8 T1 that hasn't had the sort of problems supposedly people have and it has seen its fair share of 2 to 3 rated trails. The T1 is much better than the later generations I will admit and I have plenty of truck space to boot.


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