2012 F-150 FX4 - Overland Build


New member
No regrets at all. I think for use as fog lights this setup is perfect. If you’re wanting more of a driving light or need the greater light output then go with the Pro. But as use as a pure fog light they work great. It’s pretty foggy right now. I may try and post up some pics.

Also, my roof rack should be in next week. Can’t wait.


The F150 is an excellent platform for overlanding. Nice looking rig! We've overlanded from the Arctic Circle to G.C. North Rim in our '13. The best advice I will give you is to think carefully (VERY carefully) about anything and everything you buy for or do to your truck. The old adage "The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low cost is forgotten" proves really true in this activity. I've been off roading since I was a kid in my grandpa's Willy's pickup. I've seen a lot of people pay dearly for cutting corners and cheaping out on equipment and/or quality installation work. Live by the moniker "buy the best and cry only once". I.e. avoid Chinese-made stuff. Brands to avoid: Smittybuilt and ProComp top the list.
Next bit of advice is to think carefully about the mods you do, to best utilize the room you have. Also think of weather and security protection while loaded and on the road.
Lot of wisdom on this website and also on F150forums.com
A couple of shots:
bedslides1 - Copy.jpgMaxTrax-Rack - Copy.jpg
Denali Hwy: DSC_0142 - Copy (2).jpg
More home made stuff: pushguard7.jpg
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New member
Thanks for the advice. Cheaping out is not really my style but I do believe there's a happy medium between buying the cheapest or most expensive mod. Also, this is my daily driver and my build is gonna be more of a weekend warrior type scenario so I don't necessarily have to go “top shelf” on everything. Hopefully, in the end I'll make my rig convenient and functional while still maintaining some eye appeal.

Nice looking rig too.

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