Selling my 2012 FJ Cruiser, I'm the second owner and it has been a great rig! It's located just West of Harrisonburg, VA. I've taken it out to Colorado 3 times and out to the Sierras once. I wouldn't hesitate to jump in it tomorrow and drive to Alaska. Only reason I'm selling it is I'm restoring a FZJ 80, I'm torn but the FJ Cruiser has to go.
- $29,000
- 144, 573 miles
- ICON Stage 7 suspension
- Toyo AT3 35x11.50r17
- Method Racing 701 Wheels
- 4.56 gears
- OEM rear locker with A-Trac
- Entire underside coated with POR-15 rust prevent
- Damello Aluminum front bumper
- Baja designs driving lights in bumper
- Warn 9.5 XTS synthetic winch
- Expedition-One Trail series rear bumper with swing out and Jerry can holder
- Baja Designs rear flood lights in bumper
- RCI Rock Rails
- RCI Aluminum Skid Plates
- Prinsu roof rack
- Goose Gear rear seat delete/deck
- Orange Box Fabrication Molle panels inside
- Orange Box Fab rear fold down table and Molle panel
- Tuffy center console security box