2012 Fuso OBD II scanguage and Stienbauer module.


Subbing to this thread, I'd like to learn more about that module, and what the issues are. Once my truck is out of warranty, I might be interested enough to drop one in.

Oh, and I can verify that the FUSO bus language can't be read by a regular OBDII module.

Hi Czechsix, what year is your Fuso?? From what I have found so far Fuso trucks from 2010 onwards may be read by Scangauge type plug ins. Cheers.


Hi kanga1 i just bought a fj71 2015 model has the same problem when going up hills .though it was in my head but now you have the same problem. I have no chip or mods but ye you can feel the power go on and of.it gets a slit vibratoin when it happens to . A really gutless truck to drive any slit hill or head wind and you go no where


Hi Andelles, the Steinbauer Module has made a huge difference. It is possible thatthe truck may have been surging before the Chip, but wasn't really noticable because it was quite gutless. Haven't noticed any vibration though. Cheers.


Watching you from a ridge. In Alaska. I'm cold.
Kanga - I have a 2012, and I've also seen that the Scangauge "might" work on it. I think, however, I'm going to opt for the factory unit. It's not that much more expensive, and I've had one bad experience already with an aftermarket scanner. Luckily it seems to work well for another owner's truck.

So - Steinbauer CS came back to me with an email, and here are the pertinent portions:
"Thank you for your interest in STEINBAUER PowerEnhancement for your 2012 FG Canter 4P10-T5.
Product number# 220680
MSRP $1,190

To answer your question, our modules are suitable for all transmissions including yours.

Our product comes with a factory map with an increase in HP of 20% from standard, our map has been adjusted to suit the North American market. There is some room for adjustment to further increase/decrease the power, however we recommend that you first use the box in standard mode before making any minor adjustments.

The results that you will achieve will vary depending on the load - heavy or light and the route that you take, flat or inclines. Uphill driving is greatly improved and you will notice a reduction in the need for gear shifting, being able to hold a higher gear for a longer period of time.

All STEINBAUER modules, operate downstream from the ECU - meaning that the manufacturers safety settings remain in place. We do not increase fuel 'rail' pressure nor do we alter directly the ECU by remapping it. Neither of these tuning options are particularly safe. STEINBAUER has been developing, testing, and producing Injector Duration modules for over 18 years - more than double the amount of time of our nearest competitor here in the US."

It sounds like they actually do sell in North America, but I replied back to the CS rep, asking for a dealer contact. Who knows? It might only be for Canada, Mexico, etc. I'll post up whatever their response is, but it looks quite promising. It would be wonderful to get a bit more power out of the unit without stressing it too much.


What happened on Wednesday!!

The first thing the Lecky did was to disconnect the Steinbauer module and we took the Truck out for a drive. We'd only gone about 1Km up a hill and the Eng red warning light came on in the Multi Function display, pulled over and turned the ignition off immediately. We waited a minute and then restarted the engine to find the orange DPF light flashing about twice a second. According to the book this means that the DPF will need to be burned off manually within 50 kms, the actual DPF indication gauge in the MFD was showing that the filter was fine with no graduations showing. Drove it back to the workshop and did the 20 min manual DPF burn. The whole time the Lecky was plugged into the OBD port watching various readings.
After quite some time of testing with and without the Chip the consensus was that the Chip is fine and the problem lies with the Fuso ECU.
It is booked back into the Fuso dealer on Thursday next week, the Fuso and Steinbauer install Techs are going to work out together what to do next to fix it.
My observations regarding the surging are that the motor may well have been surging prior to the Steinbauer install, but had insufficient power for the surges to be noticable! The chip may well be highlighting an existing problem.
Frustration, we have just over a month before putting the Fuso on the Ferry for a 3 month bush trip on the Mainland and I really don't want any issues with something you need a computer to fix, ( Computers and I do not get on! :littlefriend: )
So that's it really, till next week.


Crazy Person
I really don't want any issues with something you need a computer to fix

Sadly, if you cannot interpret the fault data being outputted by the CPU on these newer trucks then you are definitely behind the eight ball.
Technology will continue to move forward, as will the difficulty in diagnosing even small issues on these trucks, unless you have the right equipment to do so.
There is a lot to be said for the older, mechanical fuel injection systems that were not burdened with computers or all this emissions gear, especially when it comes to taking something like an expedition vehicle to remote locations.


There is a lot to be said for the older, mechanical fuel injection systems that were not burdened with computers or all this emissions gear, especially when it comes to taking something like an expedition vehicle to remote locations.

I'll keep that in mind next time i'm doing 60 up a slight gradient ;)


Sadly, if you cannot interpret the fault data being outputted by the CPU on these newer trucks then you are definitely behind the eight ball.
Technology will continue to move forward, as will the difficulty in diagnosing even small issues on these trucks, unless you have the right equipment to do so.
There is a lot to be said for the older, mechanical fuel injection systems that were not burdened with computers or all this emissions gear, especially when it comes to taking something like an expedition vehicle to remote locations.

It's a real PITA, not that long ago a man with a screwdriver could fix most things, or at least have a clue!! We'll see what transpires on Thursday next week, we're locked in for using the Fuso this year, but maybe a project could be coming up for us based on something pre-electronic, frinstance an ex ADF Unimog!!! Who knows? Electronics today leave me feeling vunerable. Kanga..............................


Thursday came and went. 2 techs (one from Fuso and One from the Auto electricians, Steinbauer people). For nearly 3 hours these 2 guys played around with the truck and watched their computer screens, some alterations were made and then the assurance that the surging was over and all was good.
All is not good, the truck still surges under load and at holding 3000 and up RPM, granted it is better than is was but it is still not right and loses power when you really want it.
What I've been told is that the signal the Steinbauer gets doesn't come from the accelerator pedal actuator but from something/somewhere else in the factory electronics, the 'fix' for this is to take the module out, send it to Diesel Care in Queensland, where it will be re-mapped/ or something along those lines. You would have thought that the manufacturer would have ironed out any bugs before relieving me of my $$.
We leave Tassie on the Ferry 27 June for the Big Red Bash, lets hope the truck gets sorted out before we go!
Let you know how we go when it comes back. Cheers, Kanga.

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