2012 Taco slow build - The Escape Pod.


Hey man I know you were wrestling with the mileage issue with your tent up top. I'm planning on doing a similar cage to yours for my RTT going on my ford Ranger. What I've found in my research is that if you drop those hoops just a little lower(4-6") it allows the wind to go over the tent saving mileage, bugs and you dont need to screw around with air dams.

Food for thought.

Love the build dude, if I didnt already have a ranger to work with I'd be going with a Taco too.

The trouble with lowering the tent though is that I'm a tallish guy - 6'4" - so the tent/annex sits too low to be any sort of use to me. The mileage hit wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; I lose far more to my heavy right foot and the bug problem is solved with the fairing. Plus, I like being able to get at the crap in the bed easily.

But yeah, it's bag full of compromises either way. There is a guy on the forum here that made a pop up rack for his RTT, which is something else that crossed my mind. I might see about getting one made if I can unload the house quickly and not take a total haircut on the deal.


Parts arrived for the tent - Many, many, thanks to Bobby at CVT for getting them out to me.

We went from this :


And this :


To this.


But jeez, what the hell is it with the rain this year ?

Anyway, I've been cleaning out the garage, basement, office, workshop etc, etc. Plus working my butt off at work trying to get things settled so I can leave. I've always enjoyed moving - it's a nice chance to go through your accumulated crap and get rid of it - but this time, it just feels so rushed. On the plus side, I'll have a week or so before I begin work to explore the Grand Junction and surrounding area and maybe get some biking and relaxing in.

Then I can start a new job and rejoin the rat race. I need to win the lottery. :ylsmoke:


I'm moved in. Got my first month in at the new gig, and that's going well. I work with some great peeps. The wife is still in WI, getting the house fixed up for sale. When I'm not working, and as the FNG, I am always working, but I've managed to get out and sneak a few pics here and there.



While the wife has been dealing with 20 degree temps and snow I've been dealing with 50-60s and more or less constantly sunny weather.... Anyway, I like the new gig, and I like the new town. This will do.


Yesterday I installed a mirror riser from Bird Dawg while I waited for my laundry.

It was a fairly easy install - although the mirror bracket on 2012+ Tacomas will require some trimming to fit in the new mirror block. It is a huge improvement in visibility.



Welcome to the western slope! I'm up the road in glenwood. Just got my tacoma this summer and replaced my wrangler. Slow build..but will get there some day. We'll have to meet up some day. Some great trails this way


Welcome to the western slope! I'm up the road in glenwood. Just got my tacoma this summer and replaced my wrangler. Slow build..but will get there some day. We'll have to meet up some day. Some great trails this way

Indeed! Thanks, and nice to meet you. Beers at my place, any time.

I went down to Telluride this weekend for grins and giggles. Took the scenic route, and it delivered in spades. It was a great trip.




I went to Telluride again last weekend - also went to play in the fresh snow on the Grand Mesa - you can find pics in this thread. Also made plans with Adam at Armortech Offroad to see about a front bumper. I'll be headed back to Wisconistan over Christmas, so we'll see what he's got.



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I might be blind, I looked I swear. What app are you using on your tablets? The app that shows the elevation.

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