I've been working a bunch and not spending a bunch of time on here. Ziebart ended up writing me a small-ish check. It was not enough to get the bed professionally fixed, but it was something. I won't do business with them again, but they did something to make it right.
About a year go, I thought I ordered an aluminum flatbed for my truck. The dealer claimed it was ordered. It was supposed to be custom made to made the width of frame rails on the truck. A year later, it hasn't shown up. The dealer says he can't get hold of his sales rep. I'm not dealing with this dealer again.
I then spent some time shopping Super Duties. I was seriously considering buying a new truck and starting over with the mods, figuring I'd keep the truck for a decade. I was having a hell of a time finding a truck with the right combination of options in the post COVID shutdown inventory situation. I am in a position to pay off my current truck and put that equity down on a new truck, but I'm not convinced I want a $40k vehicle loan at this point in my life. I decided to try to love the Tundra again.
Last weekend, I picked up a used Ranch brand fiberglass cap for the truck. I would've preferred to pay a bit less, but I think I haggled as much as the dude was going to haggle. So I picked it up and put it on my truck. I'm not sure if I will attempt to repair the rust situation myself this summer, or if I'll throw a bed mat in there and forget about it, but at this point I'm happy with the truck again and I love having a cap on it. I also picked up a new toolbox, since my old saddle box obviously wouldn't work with the cap. I found out in the process that the Tractor Supply branded boxes are made by DeeZee. While not the best quality out there, it's adequate for what I do with it. I had the old saddle box for about four years, and I think it was three years old when I got it.
I think the next project is to finish de-chroming the truck. I'll buy an OEM style black rear bumper, and I'm shopping for a cheaper offroad style bumper for the front. It's easy to spend well over two grand on one, but I'm trying to keep it under a grand. I have picked up a few extra sets of LED lights, so my primary interested in the offroad bumper is the aesthetics and a place to mount two or three sets of lights.
Here's the truck as it sits now. I'll update as the bumper situation progresses.