2013 JK Auto Transmission Trouble


Willing Wanderer
I haven't posted here much but I'm a daily lurker. I thought I would post about this problem I have to save others some heartburn. First, a few details on me. To say that I'm a Jeep guy is a bit of an understatement. There has been one or more Jeep universals in my driveway all but three years of my driving life. I spend my spare time repairing and modifying Jeep CJ's for family, friends and myself. I really like my CJ7, but wanted a Jeep that had more room for long distance trips and was new enough that parts availability wouldn't be a problem. That's what led me to a new JKUR. I'd been looking at them since 2007 and I was finally satisfied that Chrysler had put enough engine in them. They had ditched the minivan auto as well, which I thought was a step in the right direction. The Scott Brady 2012 field test and 2013 Commando Green paint coupled with the fact that my truck was paid for were finally enough to get me to the dealers door. I didn't feel I could afford to wait any longer anyway. The diesel wasn't coming this generation, and I was afraid Jeep is going to screw the next Wrangler up. I initially had planned to purchase the six speed, but I thought the auto worked better in the new Jeep so after driving a few, this option was chosen. To say I like my new Wrangler is a bit of an understatement. It's been a lot of fun and is a very capable vehicle right off the lot. At this point my drivetrain and suspension are 100% stock. The Jeep performs great until you decide to climb or descend steep hills. A week ago climbed a steep bank on a back road and then stopped a few hundred yards down the road to shift into high. After shifting the transfer case into 2 high from 4 low I put the Jeep in drive and it felt like the clutches were slipping in the transmission. I could rev it up, but the Jeep was in a taller gear (like 5th). I shifted into park and then back into drive and the Jeep then responded normally. At first I figured it was just me. It was late and I was tired so I thought I must have had done something wrong. Then last night it happened again, but this time in reverse. I had climbed and descended a short steep hill in 4 low coming home from work and wanted to shift into high gear. I put the Jeep in reverse first to unwind any bind and the Jeep went in, then in about a foot of travel the transmission slipped. No more reverse! I put the jeep back in drive and all was well, so back to reverse we go and the Jeep then responded normally. At this point the troubleshooter in me takes over and I repeat the hill and try it again with the same result, no reverse. If I rev the motor a little I find it will slam into gear, but I won't be doing that any more. The increased torque load in 4 low is greatly multiplied to the axles and I'm afraid I'll break something. I don't think it's a heat issue considering they were short hills, I have the optional 4.10 gears and stock 32" tires. I don't feel I was putting undue stress on the Jeep either. I've always taken care of my equipment and it's taken care of me. Abusing a vehicle and then driving many miles into the back country is a recipe for disaster. So anyway, this is my tail of woe. I wouldn't even be posting this if I thought it were an isolated issue, but a quick search on Bing showed others with the same problem posting on other JK boards. All Jeeps were 2012 or 13 auto's and package didn't seem to matter. It was mostly Rubicons in the forum posts, but I chalk that up to the intended use of the vehicle. Off road oriented people are more likely to buy the off road package. There were a few sports on the forums exhibiting this problem as well. I figure that it's not a huge in your face problem for Jeep because of the relatively few Jeeps that actually spend any time climbing hills. I cant help but wonder if they all have this defect? Wish I'd bought the stick! I would not recommend any Expoers buy a Jeep auto at this point. Until Chrysler acknowledges and fixes the glitch I feel it is best to avoid the auto transmission altogether. Happy Jeeping


Willing Wanderer
You have to put it in neutral to shift, there is no other way. The trouble doesn't have to do with shifting the transfer case. It fails in reverse without shifting.I'm going to have to experiment with it a little and see if it's the hills that are causing it or what. It may be a lack of fluid in the valve body due to the transmission being at an angle.


I have a 2013 Rubicon Auto and what you have described has happen to me as well. I've had it happen twice now and both times its been after climbing a hill in 4lo. There is a thread on JKowners forum about the problem but nothing has been pinned down as the cause. I've had mine checked for codes and nothing. Both times with mine I had to just shut it off and restart it and it went back to normal. It also seems to be only in the Rubicon autos.


Happens to me all the time when in 4lo and have worked the jeep (deep snow or on a hill). I just put it in D/R wait and it'll engage after a few seconds - it'll engage.

Its a piss off... but good luck getting a dealer/Chrysler to find and fix this issue.. then do so for every 2012+ JK with an auto on the road.


Jeep Rubi
This is an older post, I'm having the same issue but I usually just shift into neutral then back into reverse and it has worked so far lol if you have found a fix I would love to know about it !


Willing Wanderer
There's a service bulletin out for this and they fixed my JK with a software update in 2015. If you have a JK older than that it should fix it. It worked good for me and I haven't heard any complaints from the new owner. Good luck

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