2014 Sierra 1500 OVRLND camper


Well-known member
Been following your build as we have a Ovrlnd in the queue with Jay about to start. Nice job! Love the 23zero so much we ordered one based on your build.

How did you attach your 8020, fridge slide, and other bed tiedown anchors with the Bedrug? We have one on order, and I’m puzzling about putting L track or 8020 down first or going through the Bedrug later somehow. Do you have some attachment points hidden under the bed rug? Some look drilled through the Bedrug? Are you using Rivenutz/Plusnuts or self tapping screws? Baseplate under the Bedrug?

I went through the composite bed on my old Tacoma but didn’t have the Bedrug in the way. Right now I’m even toying with some L track VHB’d to the clean factory paint job on the floor of the bed to avoid drilling a bunch of holes.

I‘ve really enjoyed watching your build and gotten some great ideas. Thanks!


Active member
@dstefan thank you for the kind words! I used rivnuts throughout for attaching to the bed floor. Basically I would cut a slit/flap in the bed rug to expose the bed underneath. Drilled then painted each hole. Then installed the riv nut. For attaching the 8020 to said deck riv nuts I used 90 degree brackets. I can get pics tomorrow.

A note on the 23zero. I have the extra bedding height option. The awning BARELY fits the way I mounted it. Would have to engineer something else if you’re not getting the extra height.
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Well-known member
Thanks Wrathchild! How annoyingly ”bulgy” in the bed rug do you think a naked bed mounted strip of 3/4” 8020
would be under the Bedrug? Mounted in the “troughs” of the bed, of course.

Appreciate the the heads up on the awning. Fortunately, we’re planning on an extra 2 inches for the cabover/bedding height. So from standard 8” to 10”. How much was yours?


Active member
@dstefan i believe mine just added two inches as well. I think that’s Jay’s extra bedding height standard.

regarding the rail underneath the bed rug I think it would just depend where you mounted it. I would probably just trim the bed rug out where the rail sits. I think if you wanted a more modular setup than mine rails are the way to go. I knew exactly what components I wanted and where and knew I’d rarely remove them. So just chose a more permanent/fixed mounting solution.

hopefully the pic makes sense if not I can grab others.



Love your setup. Still liking the peregrine? I have a 4' ARB and i find it kind of annoying to setup so don't end up using it very often and was thinking about a 270 but they are so friggin expensive and heavy that i'm not sure it's worth it.


Active member
@bgraboyes The awning is the best choice for my setup I think. Opening and closing is effortless (since I can kneel on the tailgate) and provides all the coverage I’ll ever need. A 270 mounted on the side would be too high up to easily open/close. I also don’t think I would get full tailgate coverage, or be able to clear my rear lights with one.

One other thing to note besides above needing the extra bedding height. When the awning is open, closing thebarn doors takes a little finaggling. The zippered bag hangs down a little and you have to push it out of the way as you close the door. Minor inconvenience, but there’s no way for me to mount it higher and gain the 1/2” of clearance.
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Got my mattress in the other day. Went with a firm foam and marine vinyl. Vinyl is similar in color to my interior. Total bed size is 65x80 3” thick mattress. I do have extra bedding height built into the cab over and highly recommend the extra room. I should be able to leave sleeping bags up there when traveling.View attachment 556197View attachment 556198View attachment 556199View attachment 556200 Could have gone to 69” wide on the mattress but wanted a couple inches on each side wiggle room. Last pic shows the amount of room with the bed extended in a 5.5 foot bed. About 29” or so.
Where did you get those mattresses? What kind of foam? Need to source/make one for my Ovrlnd.


Active member
@beneng_jr I can’t say how much it really insulates compared to a bare floor. But I’m sure it’s better. Fire up the heater, crawl out of bed barefoot in shorts and I’m comfortable. Regarding the mattress we used foamorder.com lots of foam and cover options. The foam is a bit firm when cold. But after a long day on the river and a couple beers I still sleep like a baby.


Active member
you have an IG? love your build, I have an OVRLND camper on order and just looking for owners to get ideas for my buid.


Active member
you have an IG? love your build, I have an OVRLND camper on order and just looking for owners to get ideas for my buid.

Thanks! Sorry, I don’t have anywhere else I post pics. Haven’t been doing much camping or any work on the truck. But this is the place I post updates. I got a lot of inspiration from folks that have GFCs and Drifters on Tacoma forums.

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