Just a heads up to Sierra Carnage fans, 2017 is expected to head north again. Along with this there is some thinking that we should start with a few days of easier trails to build up to harder trails and widen the appeal of the annual pilgrimage to more folks who may choose to leave after the easier trails. If that includes YOU, it would be great to hear your thoughts. Either way it probably means extended next years Carnage by a few days depending on route, closer to the typical 10 days of trail riding from days past. Two distinct possibilities come to mind. First would be starting at Yosemite and running easy trails up to to Barret Lake, then hard trails north to Fordyce. Another option would be another attempt of the infamous "shell game" expedition that ended in near utter disaster despite choosing all easiest routes possible.(I realize the carnage that primarily occurred was 80% not related to 4 wheeling, such as forgetting to tighten lug nuts, highway accident, highway fire, rear end loss on highway, bad carb, lift kit installed upside down...). That is far northern Sierras easier and historic trails south, running Fordyce and Rubicon backwards.(means also many more rigs could complete Fordyce and enjoy is top rated scenery)