I have a wife and a dog and still pick the truck over the 4Runner. The wife/girlfriend will love you more if the wet and smelly dog is in the back of the truck than in the back of the 4Runner. I know this first hand. Wet dog smell isn't the easiest thing to get out of a 4Runner... again, first hand knowledge.
We have both, the dog isn't allowed in the SUV. The Tacoma gets used for darn near everything, camping, traveling, wet dog hauler, hardware store/nursery runs, dirt bike hauler, etc....and the SUV gets the grocery store runs maybe, I usually just take the truck. Dunno, find SUV's mostly useless for everything except hauling people, which we don't do. The better half wants her own Tacoma, she likes mine so much.
Be aware on the tacoma, that composite bed is SLIPPERY. I took my rotwiller/mastiff mix for a ride today. Just in town he was sliding everywhere. I may put some grip tape back there.
Toss a bed mat in there, be better on their paws than grip tape, plus it is removable for cleaning.
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