Meh. I sold my paid for 2001 3.4 Tacoma for a manual Diesel Jetta Wagon. The diesel is cool, it's fun to drive, but we here on Expo are unique in this I think. Nobody else is going to appreciate the way a diesel feels or it's unique driving characteristics, all they are going to care about MPG and what it costs them at the end of the day. When things start getting expensive, diesel is going to get old quick....but in a day an age of looking and the here and now, not the big picture or life cycle cost, I can see the allure.
If I had to do it again, I'd probably stick with a gas to be honest. The diesel range is great, filling up once every 2-3 weeks with a daily commute of 20 miles is convenient sure, but the potential $$ to fix the emissions system hanging over my head is not. The gas engines are so proven and fine tuned over the years, there is so much less to go wrong. Funny how times change, the same could be send for diesel over gas 15+ years ago.
I think that another primary driver in keeping Toyota from playing in the diesel market here is the complexity of the systems to make a diesel pass EPA req's. They are complex and a PITA when it comes time to fix. There are work arounds, on the VW's, but you have to modify the stock systems, voiding warranties and generally deviating from the way the engineers designed the thing. If I put myself in Toyotas shoes, would I want these complex systems (potentially) dilluting the marques ratings? Very expensive to fix? After all, we buy Toyotas for 200k miles of trouble free service, VW owners, by comparison, expect to spend some money and know it's part of the 'experience' or so I'm told.
I spent a day driving my buddy's VW TDI, I sure did like the torque, but everything else about diesel I could live without. High buy in cost, higher fuel cost, fixing that thing out of warranty no thanks! A diesel Taco might get 27-28 mpg HWY....I have been lurking on the Chevy forums, some guys are getting 25 mpg out of their 5.3 Silverados. Colorado 4 bangers are getting 27. How true that is I don't know, but diesel doesn't seem worth it when you factor everything in together. I dunno...the Silverado looks like a better buy than a Tacoma, get a lot more truck for about the same money.
We owned a gas Jetta for a bit....I will never own another modern VW after that POS. that thing ruined me...