Got a day off today, and spent it putting on the Expedition-1 rear bumper. The bumper itself went on very easy, and everything steel fit VERY well. The tolerances are tighter than what I am used too, and IMO that is a good thing. Seems on first glance to be a very solid, well built piece. Especially since it is built so solid. Whoever runs into this thing is going to have a bad day. The steel is just THAT thick.
Here is where the BUT comes in. They didn't spend time on the very final details, and it shows when you are putting it together electrically. The backup sensors were an afterthought, not built as part of a whole system. The backup sensors had me so damn pissed off, that I almost gave up. They simply will not go in exactly as Ram had them placed in the OEM bumper, so you are FORCED to clock them differently. This brings in a different set of issues, like the OEM wiring harness now not being long enough to plug in the sensors. Some of them you have to plug in first, then press in due to being in such a tight spot you can't plug it in once you put the sensors in place. I finally got it all in there.... tightly, but no dice. In reverse it is a constant solid tone. So it is currently turned off.
They didn't include any lights for the bumper license plate, and get this.... There is NO way to put the plate in the OEM location due to the two bolts on the bumper at the plate being so long it won't allow you to put the plate into the two holes provided. I can correct it with some spacers, but that is a bit frustrating.
I tried to contact them today, but nobody is answering phones there, so I will try again tomorrow. I have some final things to finish up on later, like moving the tire mount over so my rear tail light shows better, but I can finish that once they send me some missing parts. I honestly feel this is still a great bumper, but the details need to be worked out. It is super well built, and whoever is doing the weld work is doing a fantastic job, but that last 5-10% of effort needs to be put in, and it would be perfect. We will see what they say once I get ahold of them on the phone. I'm sure they will send me the pieces missing, and I will ask them about the license plate area bolts being too long to allow the plate to go there. I bet they say to cut them, we'll see.
Now on to the pics!
First I needed to get that OEM bumper off, then remove a bit of un needed weight. I can always re-add these parts in the future if I ever need to reuse them.

Much Better! Now on to the install!