2nd Monongahela WV, 8/24 - 8/27/07


Supporting Sponsor
Pictures start on page 20 for all you slackers who don't want to wade through 19 pages of pure ExPo goodness. ;)

To add yourself to the above list, please go to the official sign-up page and complete the form. Each submission represents one vehicle. If you cannot make it, you may remove yourself from the list at any time. Contact information will not be displayed.

Yes, I pulled that date out of my butt. Hopefully that'll work for many of you. If not, its not set in stone ... although it is set in wood. I carved it into my Ikea desk with a knife, which I hope wasn't in vain. My wife is going to kill me. :eek:

For those interested, the ExPo Monongahela trip is an extremely casual, vehicle-dependent camping weekend near Davis, WV. You can arrive and depart anytime during the trip. There is no itinerary to adhere to, and you may do as you see fit throughout the weekend - as long as it is morally acceptable. :p

We're not quite as cool as those ExPo guys in the west :costumed-smiley-007 ... with their fancy events. However, we are outdoor enthusiasts and there will be opportunities for hiking, geocaching, 4wd touring, sitting around the campfire, and other stuff. Its really a glorified ExPo meet-and-greet. This is a family-oriented outing, so please feel free to bring your children.

All ExPo members are welcome. I only ask that you:

  • tread lightly
  • behave responsibly
  • not be a psycho

I've got a detailed write-up on my somewhat neglected blog describing last year's trip with pictures if you're interested. Its good stuff!

That's all I've got for now. This isn't my trip, its our trip. If you're interested, chime in. We can get this thread rolling with a list of attendees. Right now, I'm in and maybe with my wife and four year old son.

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It's too far off to know for sure but most of my summer plans should be winding down by then.

May-June - SoCal/Baja
July - OBX
Aug - WV Expo

Sounds like a good summer to me :)

Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
My company will screw me on the OT if I take days off during the week. If I got 2 hours OT a day M-W but took 2 days off the OT time would be paid regular time until I actually worked 40 hours. The PTO will not be credited as labor hours. August is a busy time with us so I will be heavy on the OT.

The time of the year is fine but if it was a arrive early-mid week and the Depart home day was Sunday it would work out a little better for my wallet but I will go with the group needs.


Well, I was hoping to get in on this years ExPo East...but this is just a couple of weeks from our trip West in September, and the month after that, I am going to hopefully be at the Trophy...I think that is mo' money and mo' time off than I can afford...

As the saying goes....mebby next year....


Well-known member
Originally posted by CShontz
Yes, I pulled that date out of my butt
Should I say it? Yes! What a crappy date!:xxrotflma

As of now, I'm in. Last years was fun, but the days were too short. A trip earlier in the year like this will be better (and warmer).

Originally posted by CShontz
as long as it is morally acceptable
Shouldn't be a problem for us, as long as our beverage of choice were still acceptable.


Supporting Sponsor
Originally posted by CShontz
Shouldn't be a problem for us, as long as our beverage of choice were still acceptable.

YES ... OMG YES ... as long as one doesn't respond adversely to the consumption of your beverage of choice, and the beverage of choice doesn't result in morally objectionable antics. :p


Thats right next to Blackwater falls, I grew up north of there halfway between TerraAlta and Rowlesburg, went to school in Rowlesburg and in 7th grade the flood hit and then I started school in TerraAlta. Parents own 200 acres there. Were due for baby #2 in September so its too close to then for me to travel anywhere.
Here is the falls in 2005


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Clynn 85:I know you are really enjoying your new Toy, but in a years time, if not sooner, your gonna find yourself checkin' yards and car lots every time a Jeep catches your eye, and then your brain will start thinking, and then the trouble begins...


Expedition Leader
I just started following this website a few weeks ago, but I've done a ton of camping and caving all over the Mon Nat' forest. I'd like to do some more with like minded folks. That's along way for my jeep but my dd truck should be up to it. I'll try and post more this summer to convince all that I'm not a psycho;)
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Well-known member
BigAl said:
I'll try and post more this summer to convince all that I'm not a psycho;)

When we're all gathered around a blazing campfire in the middle of the forest on a very dark night; that's when we find out who the real psychos are.

:smileeek: Right Chris?


Expedition Leader
Looks like i'll be missing this years gathering as well. This would be 2 weeks before my trip out west.

Have fun guys.


Supporting Sponsor
jim65wagon said:
When we're all gathered around a blazing campfire in the middle of the forest on a very dark night; that's when we find out who the real psychos are.

:smileeek: Right Chris?

Don't look at me! :Wow1:

John B said:
Looks like i'll be missing this years gathering as well. This would be 2 weeks before my trip out west.

Have fun guys.

Priorities, man! Its two weeks before your trip out west. ;)


Well-known member
John B said:
Looks like i'll be missing this years gathering as well. This would be 2 weeks before my trip out west.

Have fun guys.

Not to be redundant but: Priorities man, its 2 weeks before your trip out west. How long can you possibly take to pack?:sombrero:

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