3-week Wyoming/Montana Experiment


Well-known member
Thanks, @Blackdawg and @DetroitDarin !

@Blackdawg , I was in Wyoming the latter half of August in 2017. It was very nice, but didn't have any fall rut going where I was, nor was there fall color. The rut was pretty late this year (mostly it hadn't really gotten going yet in the Jackson Hole area by the time that I left 10/5), but I had great fall color. Wish there'd been more early season snow, but ... overall I can't complain ... conditions were pretty good!


Dr. Frankenstein
Thanks, @Blackdawg and @DetroitDarin !

@Blackdawg , I was in Wyoming the latter half of August in 2017. It was very nice, but didn't have any fall rut going where I was, nor was there fall color. The rut was pretty late this year (mostly it hadn't really gotten going yet in the Jackson Hole area by the time that I left 10/5), but I had great fall color. Wish there'd been more early season snow, but ... overall I can't complain ... conditions were pretty good!

Hell no! Our winter last year was brutal. Started snowing like Sept 16th and didn't stop until May. I welcome the much more chill start this year! haha Its snowed a few times though. Think we are on storm 4 now. First big one was in August. But the snow didn't last from the first few. Snow stuck around a long time this year though.


Scratching a 10 year Itch
i'm going to need to move to ID/MT/WY - as long as i'm NW of Yellowstone I think I'd be just fine. Snow? Sure. Cold? no problem. Those vistas? Perfect.


Scratching a 10 year Itch
No doubt. Seeing all these pic's makes me really despise houston.

I'm in germany now - and have no shortage of beautiful areas, but nothing in europe is really wild. Primitive camping is essentially forbidden in Germany. There's no real place to unplug or unwind. Sanctioned camp grounds are often right across the street from downtown. Off roading? wow. Probably nothing like the US offers because I doubt Germans would think it's efficient or practical to leave roads as-is and just warn people to bring Off-road capable vehicles.

I love it here - I do - but after seeing John's photos - coupled with a Seattle to Yellowstone trip I did in august...When I leave here in a couple years I'll be ready. I think.


Well-known member
@DetroitDarin , @ITTOG , it IS absolutely gorgeous up there! And not to take anything away from Idaho and Montana, but most of the "vista" photos above are from Grand Teton National Park -- which is in the valley known as Jackson Hole. It's crazy beautiful, but in the words of one couple from Alabama that I talked to up there, whose son works in Jackson, "the billionaires are forcing out the millionaires" in Jackson Hole.


Scratching a 10 year Itch
spot on, John. didnt mean that to rhyme. Just need to get those some alternative power and it'd be good to hook! :D


Well-known member
I would sleep in a tent if I had to. I am going to try and do a trip up there next year. Maybe my son and I can do an overlanding trip now that he can drive.


Great photos and it sounds like you had a great trip. I'm just starting to research an overlanding trip up to MT for next summer. I'd love to hit the rut and fall colors like you did, but my son will be with me so we have to do it in the summer.


Well-known member
Great photos and it sounds like you had a great trip. I'm just starting to research an overlanding trip up to MT for next summer. I'd love to hit the rut and fall colors like you did, but my son will be with me so we have to do it in the summer.

Yeah, my 5th grader was NOT happy with me that she didn't get to go with! She loves Wyoming. And adventures. But (a) fall rut happens during the school year, and (b) I couldn't have done this trip with family in tow. There's a lot of standing around for hours or driving around somewhat aimlessly involved in real photography, that doesn't work well with non-photographers. And over the course of three weeks, I spent $0 on accommodations and about $500 on food. Those numbers would have been much, much higher with family with me! Next time I think I'll plan to fly them out for a long weekend sometime in the middle and have a hotel reserved.


Well-known member
Oh, also, @Etoimos , be sure to take Skalkaho Pass if you're anywhere near the Bitteroots. It's nothing challenging from an offroad perspective, but at least it's unpaved... and it's absolutely gorgeous...


@jhmoore Thanks for the info on Skalkaho Pass, I'll look that one up. And I completely understand about photography not being a spectator's sport. Even though my wife likes to take photos, I can't take her with me when I when I go out to photograph as I just feel bad about her standing around after she has gotten her quota of photos.


Well-known member
All the pictures are absolutely beautiful.

Do you have waypoints or a track on the route you took?

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