I’m going to update this by saying that I took my IFS pickup over the Rubicon trail! And it was awesome! The truck did really well. Obviously; I didn’t take the “hard” obstacles, but I got through the whole trail and camped where everyone else with seriously built trucks camped. I’ll call that a success in a low dollar built IFS trail rig. AND I DIDN’T BREAK ANYTHING!
The Rubicon wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it is no joke. I truly covered about a mile an hour in my truck and I’m glad I had lower gearing in my transfer case and Axles, as well as two lockers and all the armor you can put on these trucks. The armor took a beating! Before I left for the trip I did make sure (and you should to if you are planning on running it) that everything was in tip top condition. Fortunately I try to take good care of my truck and the only thing I had to do before leaving for the trip was replace the bearings on my Total Chaos idler arm. No big deal since it has been on the truck for 4 years now and it only cost like $50 in parts and 30 minutes of time to rebuild. Still the best part I have bought for my front suspension! The Blazeland long travel kit was pretty awesome though. It worked very well for a budget longtravel kit!
Back to the real intension of this thread. These IFS trucks are capable if you drive smart and know their limitations. I drove my truck 1,300 miles on the way to the Rubicon from Colorado; did the Rubicon Trail, and drove another 1,000 miles home. I feel like I have built my truck with durability in mind (for an ifs truck) while pushing the limits of what most people say will break stuff (a front locker and 35 inch tires). While driving careful the truck worked phenomenal on the trail. I followed a solid axle swapped Tacoma on 37’s over the entire trail and went almost everywhere he did. It was a little more effort at times because I didn’t have the clearance he did and I babied my truck a bit more at times because I didn’t want to break stuff, but in the end it was a successful bucket list trail that I have been wanting to do for 20 plus years!
Here’s some pics: