4.7L V8 reliability?

Cackalak Han

Any of you have any experience with the 4.7L V8? I'm at 130k on my 3.4L V6 and I know it's not going to blink an eye going to 200k. Just wondering if I can expect the same with a 4.7L (assuming the maintenance has been done). Also, IIRC, it is an interference engine, correct?


My brothers tundra had 220k no problems when he sold it and his uzj100 has 270k give or take. The engine and tranny are still strong.


Likes to Drive and Ride
Now that's what I like to hear!

250k+ and no issues with engine or trans!!!

My brothers tundra had 220k no problems when he sold it and his uzj100 has 270k give or take. The engine and tranny are still strong.


Currently at 91,000 (very hard) miles and only had two O2 sensor failures over the 9 yr span.......reminds me.......I need to change the timing belt soon :).

Cackalak Han

Thanks. Seems like I have nothing to worry about if I keep up on maintenance. Pretty crazy about that one lady (from ChuckB's link) that went over 300k miles on the original timing belt and water pump!


Thanks. Seems like I have nothing to worry about if I keep up on maintenance. Pretty crazy about that one lady (from ChuckB's link) that went over 300k miles on the original timing belt and water pump!

They are truly amazing engines!!! I bought my truck on Fathers Day of 2005 with 28,600 miles on it. Right now I have just a hair under 206,000. Original timing belt, water pump and engine seals. The only part in fact that Ive had to replace has been an alternator.

My last 3 trucks were 2 Fords and a Dodge. I REALLY wish I had gone to Toyota LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG before I did. Would have saved me a whole lot of money not having to worry about repairs. I probably spent enough on having to fix the Dodge, that I could have bought a new truck!!! Worst friggin truck Ive ever owned!!!!!!!


I looked at a 2000 Cruiser the other day that's got ~140k on it. I took it to a local independent Yota mechanic for a pre-purchase inspection and he told me the rig has a cracked exhaust manifold. Is this a normal occurrence? Doesn't sound like it since you folks have all had pretty solid life from your engines.

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Well-known member
The 2000s to 2003s have issues with cracked exhaust manifolds. Mine has been that way for years but it's only really noticeable when the engine is cold. The cheaper and simple fix is a set of aftermarket headers. my engine is currently at 206, 000. No issues with the truck at all. ..

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