416 coming soon. I have ?'s


Thanks for the pic IH8RDS. I unbolted the tub today>As a matter of fact I did it 30 min.s after the post asking for a pic :). Sometimes its just better to do it yourself. Oh it also helps a little when you have a whole forum to ask. Anyways here are some pics of todays progress:





I have some more good news. My father-in-law has a small media-blaster he said I could use ;) Its just big enough to do the frame and tub of the trailer. He said all I have to do is buy the media :). I plan on blasting it by the end of the month.

Here is something funny though. Well I hooked up the trailer and brought it over to my in-laws house to show the pa-in-law that the frame was in good shape. I went to Lowes today after showing my father-in-law the frame to see if by chance Lowes carried any media. Well they don't..but as I was coming out to my truck 5 guys were standing around my trailers' frame. They were asking 100 question about it and a guy even offered me $500 just for the frame/suspension. While I was tempted to take his money I declined. I'm just surprised how much attention these little trailers gather. I can't wait till its finished.

Thanks for all the help I know I'll have more questions as I go.



If you have a TSC tractor supply center, or something of the sort, they usually have ok deals on media.. as does harbor freight..


Frame Restoration.

This weekend I'm my wife is going to the beach. This gives me the opportunity to cut the rusted front part of the frame out and weld in the new pieces.

I am also going to try to weld in a new floor for the tub (out of 16gauge) and extend the tongue. I'm going to do this for the future H2O tank (right in front of the tub) jerry can holder (x2 in front of the H20 tank) and a nose box (to hold the 2 batteries). I'm just going to use a trailer tongue box for the nose box.




Well I didn't get quite as much done this weekend as I had wanted to. I bought 10 ft of angle iron to use to replace the front bad sections of the frame and for future reinforcement. I also bought a 4x8 sheet of 16 gauge steel to use for the bed of the tub that needs to be replaced.

I cut a piece of the front right piece of the frame that was all rusted to hell. I used 2 pieces of angle iron (12 1/2 in) to make a channel just like the frame is.

What I cut out:


I would have done the other side but its shot and its worse than the side that I mananged to weld up. ****note for future reference***-----> M.I.G. welders do not like rust at all. It took me awhile to weld in the side I cut out b/c of the rust. Needless to say the next time I weld on the trailer will be after I get it media-blasted and primed which well happen soon.

I would have posted a pic. of the section of the frame I did complete but my wife took the camrea to the beach with her so that was a no-go.

Till Next Time,


Marty - looks like a nice project. I'll be keeping my eyes on this thread to see what direction you go with this. I see you still have the part of sheet metal that was cut out for the tailgate. Why not use that for your tailgate and attach it with some Jeep CJ/Wrangler hood hinges or door hinges?


stick said:
Marty - looks like a nice project. I'll be keeping my eyes on this thread to see what direction you go with this. I see you still have the part of sheet metal that was cut out for the tailgate. Why not use that for your tailgate and attach it with some Jeep CJ/Wrangler hood hinges or door hinges?

I have thought about that but I'm skeptical if it will be strong enough considering I want to put a truck topper on it eventually


Mario or Martyn a quick question

I saw in a post in this sub-forun somewhere that your company was planning on putting together a bolt on kit of your suspension set-up to go on a M416 (I think) trailer. I was curious if AT had ever finished this kit???? If so I would be interested in buying one to install on my M416 build. Found it on your website atreport.com under shop talk:


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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A few sketches

well here are a few rough sketches usiing Google Sketch-Up of how I want the trailer to look in both a trailer and with the potential topper on it.



Trailer with top: Now I haven't drawn a roof rack or a RTT yet on it (to complicated)


Comments and suggestion are welcome. Sorry I couldn't post a pic. directly I had a hell of a time just doing that.


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