4cyl or 6cyl


LOL, bad day I guess... I need my "jump to conclusions" mat.




This is good advice. I wouldn't get anything but a stick behind a 4 cylinder.

However, personally I drive the 3RZ's ugly cousin 22R-E, live in Colorado and go uphill as much as possible. Speed is over rated, slow down, ease the seat back, put on some tunes, sip your coffee enjoying the day out in the mountains. Seriously, going 10 MPH extra means the trip to Fruita is 4 hours, 45 minutes instead of 4 hours 15 minutes. Shrug. Life's too short to worry about having the mostest, fastest, baddest.

Best post i've seen in a while on here. and i'm totally in agreement with ya.


Correction, your 2.7L is junk. Many have 300K miles on these motors with just routine maintenance.

That said, I would go with the 3.4L if I did it again. I love this motor, but it would be better suited in something that weighed 1000 lbs less. I get worse mpg than the V6 would carrying this extra weight.

Agreed - what he said.

Hey man don't be bashing the 4 bangers too soon.

Correction...you all should read my entire post before getting on the "bash wagon". :coffee:
Please check your ADD at the door. The first paragraph was tongue-in-cheek, and I followed with nothing but praise for the 2.7. :sombrero:

You guys realize he was joking right? it helps to read the whole post

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Hey Trump, did you regear for your 285's? I see the ARBs, but I'm wondering what gears you have and if you would stick with the same ones again. Assuming you stuck with the 2.7, of course.

To the OP: The $20,000 budget sounds like a great starting point as long as you plan on keeping drivetrain and suspension close to stock (no superchargers, no solid axle conversions, etc.) Shop for slightly used components and be patient and you will save a ton of money, too.

With the V6 you ought to be fine with 32 inch tires without a regear, as long as you don't get wider. 265-75-16 or 235-85-16 would work well, IMHO.

What year Tacomas are you considering? I've been assuming 1995.5 to 2004. If the 2005-up is your target, the V6 is all that much more important as the trucks start out heavier.
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SC T100

This is good advice. I wouldn't get anything but a stick behind a 4 cylinder.

However, personally I drive the 3RZ's ugly cousin 22R-E, live in Colorado and go uphill as much as possible. Speed is over rated, slow down, ease the seat back, put on some tunes, sip your coffee enjoying the day out in the mountains. Seriously, going 10 MPH extra means the trip to Fruita is 4 hours, 45 minutes instead of 4 hours 15 minutes. Shrug. Life's too short to worry about having the mostest, fastest, baddest.

Best post i've seen in a while on here. and i'm totally in agreement with ya.

X2! :smiley_drive: My father has the 2.7 in a 2000 single cab Prerunner with an auto. It's slow, but it doesn't feel underpowered for a truck...but no one will mistake it for a muscle car. Just don't try to tow too much with it. Their slogan should be similar to Rolls Royce's old saying about their power...it's "adequate." I have the larger equivalent of the 4cy 4x4 tacoma with my 3.4 4x4 T100. It's not a huge fan of long steep hills in the mountains (a good thing because this beast will end up on it's roof if you take a mountain road too fast), but it's more than "adequate." :sombrero:
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Hey Trump, did you regear for your 285's? I see the ARBs, but I'm wondering what gears you have and if you would stick with the same ones again. Assuming you stuck with the 2.7, of course.

I did, switched to 4.88's. It was of course a big difference around town, but it still lacks power pushing air at freeway speeds. It's just a thin line between maintaining speed with a light foot, and needing to floor it to get over an overpass.

I wouldn't go any lower though, since I like crusing at the speed limit (75mph.) It already is hanging at ~3300 rpm at that speed. I've learned to deal with lack of power knowing this engine will carry me realiably for many thousands of miles still. If the rest of truck is still solid in another 100K, I'll consider a small turbo diesel swap.


Hey Trump, did you regear for your 285's? I see the ARBs, but I'm wondering what gears you have and if you would stick with the same ones again. Assuming you stuck with the 2.7, of course.

To the OP: The $20,000 budget sounds like a great starting point as long as you plan on keeping drivetrain and suspension close to stock (no superchargers, no solid axle conversions, etc.) Shop for slightly used components and be patient and you will save a ton of money, too.

With the V6 you ought to be fine with 32 inch tires without a regear, as long as you don't get wider. 265-75-16 or 235-85-16 would work well, IMHO.

What year Tacomas are you considering? I've been assuming 1995.5 to 2004. If the 2005-up is your target, the V6 is all that much more important as the trucks start out heavier.

I was planning on a 01-04 but with the miles I'm seeing on the ones for sale, started to look at 05+.

As far as tires go, I'm thinking of going skinny style on this one. like a 9.5" width.

The rest of the story - The current rig is a 96 XJ highly mod and is on it's last leg, but I'm in the middle of a seperation from my wife and need to wait until I get a new place to live to start the project. The money is there as of now, but I'm going to wait until warm weather, late spring to start the project. I'm thinking that the finding a truck maybe the hardest part of the process.


I'd pick the six. My old 3rz tacoma was awesome around town and for highway trips, but it was so slow in the hills that I'd get tailgated by loaded logging trucks. My 3.4 5speed isn't the fastest thing on the road either, but it's not working nearly as hard as the 4cyl was. I really don't care too much about getting there as quick as possible (which makes a lot of people mad in southern CA) but dropping the 3.4 to 4th gear and pulling up a grade is a lot more comfortable than 3rd gear pinned for miles on end with the 2.7.

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