4RunAmok Camp Kitchen Chuck Box


Yeah, I hear ya on the cash... Santa needs to come early and bring me a job that pays better. The wood and the precision cuts cost me $100 so far.


Today's update...

I still have a ways to go, but here it is so far...

Photo Oct 02, 3 35 36 PM.jpg Photo Oct 02, 3 35 56 PM.jpg Photo Oct 02, 3 36 46 PM.jpg

The back is going on today

Still to do:
Obtain material for drawer faces, sides, bottoms, and cut
Design and implement hinge system for the cover and get the cover installed..
Pick hardware for handles and misc.
Wood seal the whole thing.

Still having fun though!


Ok, it took some wrangling, thanks to all those dado cuts not being QUITE that precise... But I got the back on! :D

Photo Oct 02, 6 07 40 PM.jpg


A little over-kill on the screws? Maybe? :D Thanks for the kudos!

Yeah, it won't be coming apart.. Six screws for EACH connection, plus there are a boat load of screws on the back holding that on, It's sturdy for sure. It held up my wife who is 5'11 and...the appropriate weight for 5'11"! :) She stood on the back while I positioned the back wall in place trying to line up all the dado's, and then used screws and glue to hold it in place.

I discovered during assembly, that I should have cut certain dado's in a certain order and measured from the top down on the walls instead of from the bottom up. Had I done it this way, instead of making all cuts on each piece one piece at a time, I should have set the table saw fence for one cut, run the right wall, then run the back wall, then run the middle wall, it all would have been more precise. Live and learn I guess. Some of the dado's were off by 1/64" to 1/32", which made putting the back wall on a real pain in the hiney!

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