4wd Astro "Patches"


so my fantastic fan roof vent has been bugging me since the day I installed it. I love the function but the proportions just didn't fit the little van, but I wasn't about to remove it over looks. Function first for me. Well I tried to load a long board on my rack and I couldn't because the vent lid is higher than my rack.. Well theres my excuse to fix it. lol Dug around the interwebs and found Rvvents.com. Few emails later I had a new base that was .75" shorter and a flat lid that was 2" shorter. In the end I went from 5" above the roof to a little over 2" above the roof.

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today I installed a set of re indexed torsion keys. My torsion bar adjusters were maxed out and I want a little more height so.. Being impatient I didn't want to drive to my nearest auto parts store to borrow a torsion key unloading tool (hour round trip) so I did it the exciting way, don't try at home. Took the swivel end off a freshly broken C-clamp and welded it to a bottle jack
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keys came out pretty painlessly for living in the rust belt.
with the adjusters backed out I'm about a half inch higher than I was with the stock keys cranked all the way up. The drivers side adjuster needs a couple turns to level out.
cranked the front end up a inch and a half to see what I thought. It looks good higher but that will have to wait till I relocated the upper ball joints, get new shocks and add some height to the rear. I installed a new set of s-10 rear leafs a couple months ago, so maybe a set of lift shackles would give me the flexability to raise and lower the little van as I see fit


so my fantastic fan roof vent has been bugging me since the day I installed it. I love the function but the proportions just didn't fit the little van, but I wasn't about to remove it over looks. Function first for me. Well I tried to load a long board on my rack and I couldn't because the vent lid is higher than my rack.. Well theres my excuse to fix it. lol Dug around the interwebs and found Rvvents.com. Few emails later I had a new base that was .75" shorter and a flat lid that was 2" shorter. In the end I went from 5" above the roof to a little over 2" above the roof.

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That's a nice clean looking fix, by any chance you have part numbers. Dig the build keep up the great work!


That's a nice clean looking fix, by any chance you have part numbers. Dig the build keep up the great work!
my vent is a fantastic fan 1200, I don't have the part numbers for the base and the lid. I just emailed rvvent.com, they seem to specialize in fantastic fan vents.. I told them I wanted a low profile base and a flat vent lid. The lower base was probably not necessary it only lowers it .75", the lid is where you make up the room at 2" I did have to modify my lift arm, they sell a lift arm for the flat lid but I just cut the arm and flipped the roller to the other side and welded it back on.


my vent is a fantastic fan 1200, I don't have the part numbers for the base and the lid. I just emailed rvvent.com, they seem to specialize in fantastic fan vents.. I told them I wanted a low profile base and a flat vent lid. The lower base was probably not necessary it only lowers it .75", the lid is where you make up the room at 2" I did have to modify my lift arm, they sell a lift arm for the flat lid but I just cut the arm and flipped the roller to the other side and welded it back on.

Thanks for the update, I'll contact them.


So when is the best time to buy a fridge? answer, years ago. Second best time to buy a fridge? Now.. I have been researching refrigerators for a couple years and finally settled on the dometic cfx28us. For my solo travels it is large enough inside but still small enough footprint to not take up to much room in my little van. the cfx line appears to be more rugged than the old cf line, Dometic must be trying to lure away some of the arb crowd. now to work on a mount or a slide once I determine its final home.
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Its been awhile, Patches still exists but not much has changed. I bought a transit connect last fall on a whim and took a couple trips with it. The little transit drives great, but a bit underpowered. But I found myself missing the Astro and its 4wd.
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So out of guilt for neglecting my astro and using him for runs to the dump and menards I bought him some new tires..
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