4WD Sticking ... HELP!


Vehicle Specs:

1996 Montero LS

So when I go to take it out of 4WD to 2WD ... the stupid lights just sit there and blink at me. FOREVER. It doesn't come out at all. When it does come completely out of 4WD, I get a strange buzzing/grinding noise coming from the front end, and to stop it, I re-engage the 4WD and it goes away. Then I move the lever back to 2-Hi ... and let the blinking continue. Anybody have any ideas? I haven't tried putting the truck into neutral when it completely disengages and starts buzzing/grinding (sort of like a fly against a window) because I never know when it's about to happen and when it does, it's never at an opportune time.

The attempts at fixing the solution have been many, from just giving the undercarraige a good cleaning to cycling all the way through all the modes in forward and reverse seeing if something sticks or not. I haven't done anything wild or crazy enough to damage the truck, and I know Monty's are notorious for sticking systems. Also, the truck works perfectly fine in 4WD, and I haven't noticed any performance difference while in 4WD.

I'm just afraid I'll be on the interstated doing 75+ mph and then it decides to disengage, bind up, and my entire front differential explode. Any thoughts?

The Stray

New member
How many times have you cycled the 4wd? Mine was sticking a little (9 out of 10 times it wouldn't smoothly disengage) and I had to cycle it for about 2 hours total time before I got it down to 9 in 10 times of smooth disengagement. If its really sticking badly I would drive forward and put it in 4hi, go to 2hi, if it sticks stop put the vehicle in reverse build up a little momentum ~5 to 10 mph then throw the shifter into neutral and coast for about 20 feet, that should pop it out. Repeat till the system clears up. I put mine into 4 high for 2-3 minutes every time I go out just to keep the system running smoothly. Now it doesn't stick at all.
As for binding up the front end I doubt that is a concern as the 4hi uses a 70/30 limited slip differential in the transfer case, if it were to jam all the power would go to the rear wheels.


I just posted this is another thread but it's the same issue so here's a reposted $.02.

I had the same blinking issue in my Montero for a while. It turned out that one of the front wheels was at a lower pressure, so it rotated faster and wouldn't allow the hubs to unlock. (The hubs only unlock when the truck is driven in a straight line and with one wheel rotating faster it was, in effect, the same as going around a curve.) Try driving in a slight curve one way or the other. I found that's what did the trick for me before I replaced the leaky tire.

The grinding sound—I'm sorry to say—probably indicates that you fried one of your hubs. If you switch out of 4 wheel drive and drive over about 45-50mph (not sure on the exact speed) with the hubs still engaged (i.e. the front wheel indicator lights still blinking) you risk frying the hubs. I only speak from experience as I did this very thing in my old Trooper.


Expedition Leader
The grinding sound—I'm sorry to say—probably indicates that you fried one of your hubs. If you switch out of 4 wheel drive and drive over about 45-50mph (not sure on the exact speed) with the hubs still engaged (i.e. the front wheel indicator lights still blinking) you risk frying the hubs. I only speak from experience as I did this very thing in my old Trooper.

While the 84-91 Gen I Monteros have locking hubs, the 92-2000 Gen II Monteros don't. Instead it uses a vacuum actuated central axle disconnect system so that grinding CANNOT be the hubs. :ylsmoke:

Do what was suggested above and cycle the transfer case multiple times. It should begin to work. You may also want to consider checking the servos that are attached to & control the transfer case. They sometimes get gummed up.

Finally if that doesn't work or you can't figure out how to fix the servos there's a pretty extensive how to post on fixing the mitsu super select transfer case on 4x4 wire dot com's mitsu tech forum. Check their FAQ post for the link.

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