Pacific Northwest
Interior Pics
Sorry for not replying sooner! I have been working all weekend and was not able to post. Thanks for all your wonderful comments. As for the interior, I took some pictures yesterday that I will post. Be aware that you might be disappointed as it is only a "shell". It is only a shell because of the small 4 cylinder engine of my truck — weight is my enemy! I am taking extreme measures to keep my weight down (I have gone so far as putting my dog on a diet). Also, the sheer size of an import sized FWC camper like the Eagle or Ranger II means interior space is at a premium. The more cabinets, the more cramped.

Sorry for not replying sooner! I have been working all weekend and was not able to post. Thanks for all your wonderful comments. As for the interior, I took some pictures yesterday that I will post. Be aware that you might be disappointed as it is only a "shell". It is only a shell because of the small 4 cylinder engine of my truck — weight is my enemy! I am taking extreme measures to keep my weight down (I have gone so far as putting my dog on a diet). Also, the sheer size of an import sized FWC camper like the Eagle or Ranger II means interior space is at a premium. The more cabinets, the more cramped.

There were two steps to my interior. I will show you step one; creating a "shell". Step two is furnishing a "shell" with small light weight amenities. I will be finished this in the next couple of weeks. .
Here are the pics of my shell..

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