Picking It Up
So here are some pictures I took before bringing her home. The seller was a super nice guy, who went out of his way to put things back together enough before I got there, so that I wouldn't have to worry about things falling off or out on my 10 hr drive home. You can see every third screw or so was put back in. Note the rust stains from many of the galvanized screws (click on the picture to enlarge it).
In the next picture you can see the weathered latch. Notice how the screw section is badly rusted (click on the picture to enlarge it).
And here I am all loaded up. I was so proud—after a year of searching I was finally a FWC owner (click on the picture to enlarge it).
All the way home I noticed people staring at my camper, I thought to myself "yeah, they all think it looks so cool."
That was until I got home and my wife burst my bubble—she said "they were thinking, where is this idiot going, there are no scrap yards open this late."
I had already jumped ahead in my mind and saw it looking like this...