4x4 Indicator Lights Blinking: One Solution



For the last couple years or so my 4-wheel-drive system has been engaging intermittently. Normally I'd shift the transfer case lever into 4 High and the green lights in the instrument cluster, indicating the status of the front wheels, would blink (four-wheel drive engaging), then go solid (in four-wheel-drive). In the last couple of months though, the lights wouldn't stop blinking, a sign that the system wasn't able to engage the front axle.

I had ordered the factory shop manuals for the truck a while back, so I decided to see if I could fix it myself. Also, my mechanic explained to me that my Gen 2 Montero engages 4-wheel-drive by connecting the right-front axle shaft to the front differential by means of a vacuum-powered actuator. (That's different from the Gen 1, which has auto-locking hubs.) Armed with that knowledge I looked up the actuator in the manual and noticed that it recommended greasing the actuator rod.

I got under the truck, removed the skid plates, pushed aside the rubber boot and saw that the grease, where the rod entered free-wheeling clutch housing (red arrow), was old and jelly-like. I cleaned out the old crud, packed it with fresh grease, reattached the boot, and left the whole thing sit while I reinstalled a pair of marker lights in the bumper.

When I took the truck for a test drive an hour later and shifted into 4 High, the indicator lights flashed briefly, then immediately went solid. Whoo-hoo! An easy fix!

I recently had a set of ARB locking differentials installed in the truck and it was irritating that I had this great new gear and yet the basic four-wheel-drive system wasn't working. That made this quick fix all the more satisfying. :wings:
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New member
My 2003 Montero Limited does the same, but it makes a horrible noise that goes away once I shift into 4H, then I can shift back to 2H and no problem...could it be the same thing???
I haven't really dug into this system (physically or looked at diagrams) but does adding manual locking hubs help with this problem or is it a separate issue?

I'm having this problem and will be under the truck this week. I'll give this a go while I'm changing pinion seals.... Thats what I get for driving 20 miles with diffs full of water.


Expedition Leader
I haven't really dug into this system (physically or looked at diagrams) but does adding manual locking hubs help with this problem or is it a separate issue?

I'm having this problem and will be under the truck this week. I'll give this a go while I'm changing pinion seals.... Thats what I get for driving 20 miles with diffs full of water.
No changing to manual hubs will not resolve this issue. All the hubs do is separate the wheels from the front drivetrain so the drive train stops spinning when you put the rig in 2wd.

In all that I've read and know from working on my xcase, it's either coming from the solenoids (xcase switches on top of the xcase) or the actuator.
Gotcha, Ray, thanks. That's what I figured, but as I said, other than changing the diff oil I haven't given it any more thought or attention.


Overlanding Nurse
To add to that, if the flashing comes from switching from 2WD to 4High, it's almost guaranteed to be the problem solved by the original poster. Cleaning, lubricating, checking vacuum hoses and, most importantly, exercising the system will usually be all that's needed to fix things.

If it's flashing when you shift to 4Lo, that's the switches on top of the transfer case.
I've been having an issue with the axles not disconnecting when going from 4wd to 2wd, would this method help with that or is there something else up?


Man!!! your advice was great!!! I had the same problem, now is working just PERFECT, but, I have a question!! the 4x4 diagram in the dash board, indicates which of the axles is connected right, so, when you activate the 4x4, the two light that indicate the front axels turns on, when the 4x4 is not activated, my dash board system indicates just one green light for the rear right axle, is this normal?? the rear left axle light doesn't turn green???
Dakar 2000-1.jpg


Overlanding Nurse
The "2WD" lights (for the rear wheels) almost always burn out because they are always on when the vehicle is running. Replace them with LEDs and you'll never worry about them again.


Off-Road Newbie
Do you have a thread on how to do that? My rear wheel lights are also burned out and i don't want to be replacing them over and over again.

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