Going back further to 5 speed main transmissions plus a 4 speed auxiliary transmission,,, when 270HP was the best you could buy and you only hauled weight by shifting.... often
The 5 speed was like any 5 speed. The 4 speed offerred DEEP reduction, 1st gear, on a construction site or logging road. 2nd was low range once you hit a road. 3rd was direct, empty you could shift 1st thru 5th with the main while the auxiliary tranny was in 3rd... And 4th was overdrive.....
You shifted thru the main say 2nd gear, then shifted thru the auxiliary tranny, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, then caught 3rd in the main and dropped to 2nd, in the auxiliary..... then 4th,,,, then 5th ..... ratios overlapped and there was never a boring moment...... distracted driving was never an issue.
sometimes the old cheap videos are best, I love old trucks.
Then theres........... its so much faster to shift if you use 2 hands and steer with yer elbow.
From the days a trucker wore a uniform.
Then for the guys running cross country or the Eastern Seaboard ther were trucks that added a 2 speed axle so 5speed main, 4 speed auxiliary, 2 speed axle..... 40 gears to pick....
My favourite is the 4 speed 3 speed auxiliary... It lost the deep reduction but was a sweetheart to drive.....
My ultimate live on board expedition vehicle would have the 4/3 combination with an old gas straight six like a 750 cubic inch on an old fire truck chassis..