I've knocked of three out of the five so far, this weekend we'll be pitching some spears!!!
Great post! It really got me thinking that I must be sexist cause I've made an effort with my son to do these things but not my daughter.
im in the oppisite situation...I do all these things with my daughter...of course she's 6yrs and the other 2 (boy and girl) are only just 3 1/2 MONTHS!!:sombrero:
I grew up with 3 sisters and 2 brothers...watched my dad make my sisters do housework while the boys went and played...at my house now I probably do the majority of the housework AND the outside work...my daughter gets to help no matter what Im doing (ususally...unless its really dangerous)...
and we have a few "unbreakable" rules...and I've already seen the neighbor fail at these (and she watches her granddaughter 24/7..so you would think she would have experiance with her own kids!)
RULE 1. NEVER get into or under a vehicle if a grownup is not with you..matter of fact NEVER get under a vehicle EVER...if you cant reach your ball/toy...get a broom/stick/grownup to get it for you..(we have large 4x4's and Im always afraid of running her over...which leads to rule 2...)
RULE 2. IF someone is moving a vehicle...you will be asked if you want to ride..if you dont..you MUST BE where you can see the driver and the driver can see you AND WAVE TO YOU THAT YOU ARE IN A SAFE PLACE...just because she can see me/mom/driver doesnt mean we can see where she is at..we communicate where we are going to move the vehicle and how..and that she must be either in a "safe" place or a specific spot...
RULE 3. IF a vehicle is moving...DO NOT EVER approach it..this goes for anyone arriving or leaving..any vehicle that is approaching you..car/truck/mailman/delivery/quad/bike/tractor/lawnmower...you dont ever go towards it till it has STOPPED moving...and you must see that the driver sees you and lets you KNOW they see you!!
RULE 4...if Im welding...get your welding helmet and you can watch...but dont let the dogs in the garage..they arnt smart enough to not look at the light and they will go blind..
Rule 5...dont pet dogs till you get approval of the person thats with them..NEVER stick your hand thru a fence to pet a dog..if your wrestling with OUR dogs..and they yelp...let them up..your being too rough..:elkgrin:
rule 6...you can have some pop if you ask..but dont drink it all..and announce if its the last of it and ask if you can have it (someone drank all of my soda one day while we were out in the field workin and when I was thirsty there wasnt any left...papa-NOT HAPPY...then missy had to go potty...)
rule 7. if dad says no..dont go ask mom...cus dad will find out and you wont get to do it anyway..:coffeedrink:
and then theres some things she's learned...
if your asked to do something and you do it...when YOU ask someone else to do something you'll probably get it (shes asked to feed the dogs..your asked to goto the playground...everybody says yes!)
dads diet pepsi can make all injurys miraculously better..
if your mad..and you slam your bedroom door...expect dad to be in your room on .0002 seconds after the door was slammed...you might not get a whoopin...but you will be reminded that we "dont slam doors"...
if your mad about something...dont hold it in...tell someone..we will listen even when we're mad...your opinion counts..but sometimes we overrule..
dont lie..we know better...or you will tell on yourself anyway..the truth is easier to remember..
bringing dad a cookie...(that you secretly want for yourself .."I brought this for you!...you dont want it? can I have it?)...will get dad fed and you will have no cookie..:sombrero:
no ammount of begging will get you something..but being good will get you just about anything reasonable..
you always have 2 options with any given task...you can do it...or you can do it crying..
and the last one I can think of...
YOUR MOM IS MEANER than dad..just because she doesnt raise her voice doesnt mean you wont be cryin in a few seconds...(this goes for dad too!!)...when in trouble and someone says "im gonna call your dad"...she always starts to behave or says "call my mom instead" and then behaves...when she's hurtin or sick..she wants dad...
my wife sometimes laughs at the 2 of us...and sometime wants to strangle the 2 of us...but we're 2 best buddies...so its ok..we're either bein good or in trouble TOGETHER....