5 dangerous things all kids should do!!


Just watched, and I agree 150%, kids today are wusses, my boys have already shot a .357 Magnum, AR-15 chambered for 5.56, AK-47 chambered for 7.62, 9mm, .22, and a .45. they climb trees, and as soon as they can reach the pedals and see over the dash, all my kids will get to drive my jeep off road. Being a former Marine, I taught them all the basics of firearm safety b4 going to the range, then when we got there, went over the rules again and added a few new ones once i had the visuals to show them of what line not to cross and when to know when to cross it.

I am a firm believer that time outs dont work... being in the military, I go back to boot camp lessons when deciding on a punishment, push-ups are a favorite of mine and once in a while if the kids catch me doing something wrong or breaking a rule, i will get down and do them too. this teaches them that even daddy is not above the rules and gets them to think about the house rules more since they like to see daddy doing push-ups too. i will also let them decide on the number that i have to do.


But, what if little Johnny severes the main artery in his pinkie finger and bleeds to death before we can get help? Just kidding, I agree 100% with this guy. I can remember running a radial arm saw when I was about 8, without supervision!


lol, yea, i played with knives, fire, drove a car, and even had a Trike (3 wheeled version of a Quad) about the age of 10, lol, and i am still here, and a better person cuz of it. I hope to pass it all on to my kids


Cynical old bastard
Pleased to say I have brought up my eldest (11) to enjoy life to the full. That said she is nursing a finger broken in three places thanks to slighlty energetic tag rugby
As for my youngest (2.5) she is going to be a bigger, tougher verison of her sister - bless!



I totaly agree with this guys viewpoint....I think the "wussification" of our children is getting out of control...

every year our daycare looses more and more fun toys and forced to buy things that will keep the clumsy kids able to later become MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS!!

I know I thank my parents for letting us do "dangerous" things...gave us an advantage over other kids...

heck...my wife was 27 before she EVER flew a kite!!...my daughter has her OWN welding helmet to watch me weld!!..and isnt afraid of powertools/airtools..she's inventive and good at imaginiary play...IF you can get her to turn the TV off without a big fuss...

I took your viewpoint and put it up in JeepForum.com since they didnt have anything like this... thought i would share with those guys and gals too... here is the link if you want to see what they have to say on the subject....

5 dangerous things all kids should do!!


I have a 4 year old daughter, and I can't wait to let her savor all the milestones that I savored when I was a kid.

Getting a pocketknife, taking apart things, driving on my Dad's lap, getting a BB gun... these were all things that I remember distinctly to this day. I also remember the lecture and warnings that came with them, and the trust that my folks said they had in me to get them. That was powerful stuff back then, and I see no reason why it wouldn't be equally powerful stuff with my kid.

She already demonstrates respect and common sense right now. I was a bit worried about her safety when we put in our wood stove last winter. But after I explained to her what COULD happen if she wasn't careful, I took her over to the door one night as she watched me throw some more wood in it. I let her feel the heat radiate off of it, and we watched the flames consume the wood. Now she understands why you don't touch it, and I don't spend all day worrying at work whether she's gonna get hurt. She respects the stove, and that's the real lesson. She doesn't fear it. She respects it, and that's a big difference.


great post - couldn't agree with it more. my daughter is 9 and started riding horseback when she was 4. Seeing your 7 year old topple off a horse during her first few jumps makes you a bit pale, but I'm glad for it. She's fallen off a total of 4 times now. We checked out a new riding school last week, and she told the instructor "oh I've fallen off before, on jumps. It kinda tickles."

-proud papa


Ordered the book last night from Amazon.com. Can't wait to start reading it on Tues. #6 Hike down waterfalls with your 6 month old.


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Last night I went up on the roof to spray a wasp nest, and the kids wanted to come. My knee-jerk response was to say "no," but luckily I caught myself. I let them walk around the second story roof for a while, and they were in awe.


Kids today are not wusses, their parents are wusses.

it is a learned behavior, wusses breed wusses, therefore, if the parents are wusses, then the kids will be too...

i had to laugh at my kids this weekend, they were playing with their Nerf guns and i heard them saying to each other, "dont point the gun at people, just the aliens" I taught them well, taking them to the range and teaching the the rules of firearm safety... "dont point the gun at anything you dont intend to kill, treat every gun as if it were loaded, keep your finger straight and off the trigger till your ready to fire" caught them doing everything right, so i bought them more Nerf guns... as soon as i win custody back, they will get their own BB guns


I got the book in the mail yesterday. :wings: I guess I'll have to wait a few months before we conduct the "Make a bomb" portion, since Lucas is only 6 months old.

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